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SwissText & KONVENS 2020 : 5th SwissText & 16th KONVENS Joint Conference 2020


When Jun 23, 2020 - Jun 25, 2020
Where Zurich
Submission Deadline Mar 15, 2020
Notification Due Apr 19, 2020
Final Version Due Apr 19, 2020
Categories    natural language processing   machine learning   computational linguistics

Call For Papers

We invite you to submit a contribution to the 5th Swiss Text Analytics Conference (SwissText) & 16th Conference on Natural Language Processing (KONVENS), which takes place on June 23-25, 2020 in Zurich, Switzerland.

SwissText is an annual conference established in 2016 by the Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW) that brings together text analytics experts from industry and academia.

KONVENS has been held regularly since 1992 and deals with all areas of natural language processing.

The joint SwissText + KONVENS 2020 conference will last for three days and will feature the following tracks:

- Applied Track, with a strong focus on industry and applied research. This track constitutes the continuation of the “Swiss Track” from previous SwissText editions.
- Scientific Track, with technical research papers from the international scientific community.
- Demo Track, which provides a platform for companies and universities to showcase their interactive NLP solutions.

Conference website:

Applied Track

The goal of the Applied Track is to bring together experts from industry and academia. For this track, we are looking for presentations with a strong focus on practical applicability.

Presentations can be:

- Showcases
- Applications (If you have a live demonstration, please submit to the Demo Track instead)
- Resources
- Applied research results
- Any other contribution that is interesting to the audience

For this track, a short abstract (up to 1500 characters) has to be submitted, along with a CV of the presenter (text format, no tables — max. 500 characters) and the intended audience (e.g. developers, decision makers, project managers, max. 300 characters). All data is entered online via EasyChair:

Note: If you intend to publish a full scientific paper, please submit it to the Scientific Track.

Scientific Track

In this track, we welcome technical papers dealing with natural language processing, computational linguistics, and machine learning/data science with a focus on text analytics.

The 2020 special theme is: Multilingual NLP

While previous KONVENS editions have traditionally focused on NLP for German, given the multilingual setting of Switzerland (German, French, Italian, Romansh, Swiss German), we encourage NLP researchers working on these languages (plus English as supplement) in and outside of Switzerland to submit their work.

We welcome the following two types of contributions:

- Long papers (8 pages plus references): substantial results
- Short papers (4 pages plus references): progress reports and similar

Submission format:

- Please use the ACL LaTeX template:
- Language: English
- Anonymization: The review process will be double blind; we ask authors to anonymize their submission reasonably. Instead of e.g. “We previously showed (Smith, 1991) …” write “Smith previously showed (Smith, 1991) …”
- Manuscripts must describe original work that has neither been published before nor is currently under review elsewhere.
- Submission will be made through EasyChair:

Demo Track

The conference features a dedicated track for demonstrations of available NLP solutions (open source or proprietary). The goal is to give developers, companies, and researchers a platform to showcase their products and tools, and for the audience to get an overview of production-ready NLP solutions. All accepted demos will be presented live during the demo exhibition at the conference.

Please provide a short abstract of your demo (up to 1500 characters), a screenshot of your solution, and a description of the intended audience (e.g. developers, researchers, etc., max. 300 chars). All data is entered online via EasyChair:


All accepted scientific papers will be published in the conference proceedings. For presentations in the Applied Track, the abstract will be included in the proceedings. There is no differentiation between oral or poster presentations in the proceedings. The proceedings will be published on (open access). To appear in the proceedings, each contribution has to be presented by at least one author at the conference.

Presentation Types

Accepted submissions in the Applied Track and the Scientific Track will be presented orally or as posters, as determined by the program committee. All accepted Demos will be presented live during the demo exhibition at the conference.

Presentations are in English and will be listed in the conference program.

Important Dates

- Submission deadline (extended): March 15, 2020 (23:59 CEST)
- Author notification: April 19, 2020
- Camera-ready version due: May 5, 2020
- Conference: June 23-25, 2020

Organization Committee

Zurich University of Applied Sciences (Mark Cieliebak, Manuela Hürlimann, Don Tuggener, Fernando Benites, Jan Deriu)

University of Zurich (Martin Volk, Sarah Ebling, Noëmi Aepli)


The conference will take place on the main campus of the University of Zurich.


Please direct all questions regarding the submission process to

Program Committees

Applied Track:

Manfred Vogel
Noah Bubenhofer
Tim Vor der Brück
Fabio Rinaldi
Roberto Mastropietro
Jürgen Vogel
Martin Jaggi
Jürgen Spielberger
Hatem Ghorbel
Andrei Popescu-Belis
Thoralf Mildenberger
Don Tuggener
Fernando Benites
Egon Werlen
Mark Cieliebak
Maria Sokhn
Thilo Stadelmann

Scientific Track

Noëmi Aepli
Adrien Barbaresi
Fernando Benites
Chris Biemann
Marcel Bollmann
Ernst Buchberger
Pascual Cantos-Gómez
Mark Cieliebak
Simon Clematide
Berthold Crysmann
Ernesto William De Luca
Stefanie Dipper
Sarah Ebling
Xavier Gómez Guinovart
Ulrich Heid
Serge Heiden
Manuela Hürlimann
Martin Jaggi
Manfred Klenner
Roman Klinger
Valia Kordoni
Brigitte Krenn
Udo Kruschwitz
Ekaterina Lapshinova-Koltunski
Roberto Mastropietro
Alexander Mehler
Margot Mieskes
Simonetta Montemagni
Preslav Nakov
Sebastian Pado
Patrick Paroubek
Johann Petrak
Hannes Pirker
Andrei Popescu-Belis
Uwe Quasthoff
Ines Rehbein
Georg Rehm
Fabio Rinaldi
Sophie Rosset
Paolo Rosso
Tanja Samardzic
Felix Sasaki
Yves Scherrer
Helmut Schmid
Gerold Schneider
Sabine Schulte Im Walde
Roland Schäfer
Rico Sennrich
Manfred Stede
Kurt Stockinger
Ludovic Tanguy
Don Tuggener
Manfred Vogel
Martin Volk
Tim Vor der Brück
Egon Werlen
Magdalena Wolska
Torsten Zesch
Heike Zinsmeister

Related Resources

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