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DIS 2020 : ACM Designing Interactive Systems 2020


Conference Series : Designing Interactive Systems
When Jul 6, 2020 - Jul 10, 2020
Where Eindhoven, Netherlands
Submission Deadline Mar 13, 2020
Notification Due Apr 9, 2020
Final Version Due Apr 23, 2020
Categories    design   HCI   interactive systems   human-computer interaction

Call For Papers

NEXT DEADLINE: March 13, 2020 17:00 PST for all remaining tracks including Provocations and WIP, Demos, Design Exhibition, Doctoral Consortium, Student Design Competition

Designing Interactive Systems 2020 (DIS 2020)
Eindhoven, Netherlands
July 6-10, 2020

The ACM conference on Designing Interactive Systems (DIS) is the premier, international arena where designers, artists, psychologists, user experience researchers, systems engineers and many more come together to debate and shape the future of interactive systems design and practice.

Designing Interactive Systems 2020 (DIS 2020) will take place in Eindhoven, Netherlands from July 6-10, 2020. The Department of Industrial Design at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) will be the organizing institution. The conference chairs are Ron Wakkary (SFU & TU/e) and Kristina Andersen (TU/e) ( The Technical Program Chairs are William Odom (SFU), Audrey Desjardins (University of Washington), and Marianne Graves-Petersen (Aarhus University)(

The theme for DIS 2020 is “More than Human-Centred Design”. The aim of the theme is to rethink the research and contributions we make in design and HCI, by investigating non-humanist or posthumanist alternatives. These approaches displace the human at the centre of thought and action with humans and non-humans bound together materially, ethically, and existentially. The theme is intended to encourage contributions toward new methodological or theoretical approaches that build on, and extend, existing research in order to go beyond human-centred design towards more complex understandings of our future coexistence with other kinds of materials and intelligences that blur the boundaries between humans, non-humans, and technology.

DIS 2020 is an interdisciplinary conference, encompassing all issues related to the design and deployment of interactive systems. We encourage submissions from a broad range of researchers and practitioners within the field of interactive systems design that address issues of design theory, methods, critical perspectives, experiences, artifacts, technologies, diverse application domains, and design for societal, cultural, economic, environmental, or political change.

Papers and Pictorials accepted at DIS 2020 are ACM archival publications and represent a significant contribution to the field of interactive systems design, research and practice. DIS 2020 is a prestigious conference which makes competition between submissions high, so submit your best work to this venue. DIS 2020 also includes a Companion Proceedings for non-archival accepted contributions including Workshops, Provocations/Works-in-Progress, Demos, Doctoral Consortium, Student Design Competition, and Design Exhibition.

Full submission instructions can be found on the conference website:

Submission Deadlines
● January 24, 2020 - Full paper and Pictorials Abstract and Title
● January 31, 2020 - Full papers, Pictorials, Workshops
● March 13, 2020 - Provocations and WIP, Demos, Doctoral Consortium, Student Design Competition and Design Exhibition

● March 26, 2020 - Workshops
● April 9, 2020 - Full papers, Pictorials, Provocations and WIP, Demos, Doctoral
Consortium, and Student Design Competition
● April 23, 2020 - Design Exhibition

Registration Deadlines
● May 21, 2020 - Early Bird Registration ends
● June 25, 2020 - Online Registration ends
● July 4, 2020 - On-site registration opens

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