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ICT@ESF-WS 2020 : Information and communication technology Education and Sustainable Futures Workshop


When May 20, 2020 - May 20, 2020
Where Ukraine, Melitopol
Submission Deadline Feb 15, 2020
Notification Due Mar 7, 2020
Categories    ICT   educational technology   sustainable computing   educational technology

Call For Papers

ICT in Education and Sustainable Futures – ICT@ESF-WS'2020 is a peer-reviewed international workshop focusing on the efficient application of information and communication technologies in education, research, economics, ecology and medicine for a sustainable future.
List of Topics
• ICT in secondary education for a sustainable future society
• ICT in higher education for a sustainable future society
• ICT in research for a sustainable future
• Supporting the Development of 21st Century Skills through ICT
• Integration of ICT into the economy of a sustainable development society
• ICT in solving environmental problems of sustainable development

The Workshop languages
The main language of GITHub-WS'2020 is English. Submissions in any other language will be rejected without review. Presentations in any o ther language are accepted.
Program / Local organizing Committees -
Submission GuidelinesAuthors are invited to submit full (and original research) papers (6-12 pages) including surveys,tutorials, perspective/colloquia articles in conference topics of interest through the EasyChair ( by February 15, 2020.

You will be offered to enter the ICT@ESF-WS'2020 area as an author. At the New Submission page of
the ICT@ESF-WS'2020, please fill in the forms as requested by the instructions:
1. Please fill in the information about all the authors of your submission. Please be reminded that at
least one author should be indicated as a "corresponding author" by checking the box in the bottom of the
corresponding form. If your paper has more than three authors, you may add them by clicking "Click here
to add more authors" link below the author forms.
2. Please fill in the Title and Abstract form for your submission.
3. Please enter the list of the key words that you have chosen yourself for your contribution. Each key
word should be entered in a separate line.
4. Finally, please upload your submission file (paper).

Primary requirements
1. Submissions should be:
a. basically, correct and sound;
b. original (not published elsewhere partly or in full and not submitted to other venues for simultaneous consideration);
c. presented at the conference (at least one author of each article should attend to the conference);
d. in line with the scope of ICT@ESF-WS'2020.
2. A maximum of two articles per author is accepted.
3. One paper shouldn't have more than five authors.
4. The number of references in the list of references should not be less than 10.
5. Self-citations should not exceed 10 %.
6. Authors are encouraged to refer to the Committee on Publishing Ethics (COPE) for all aspects of publication ethics ( and to strictly conform to the ethical rules described on, in particular:
 A single study is not split up into several parts to increase the quantity of submissions and submitted to various edited book projects or journals or to one journal over time (e.g. "salami-publishing").
 No data have been fabricated or manipulated (including images) to support the manuscript's conclusions.
 No data, text, or theories by others are presented as if they were the authors own ("plagiarism").
Proper acknowledgements to other works must be given (this includes material that is closely copied (near verbatim), summarized and/or paraphrased), quotation marks are used for verbatim copying of material, and permissions are secured for material that is copyrighted.
 Consent to submit has been received from all co-authors and responsible authorities at the institute/organization where the work has been carried out before the work is submitted.
 Authors whose names appear on the submission have contributed sufficiently to the scientific work and therefore share collective responsibility and accountability for the results.

Formatting options
ICT@ESF-WS'2020 uses EDP Sciences two column format for the proceedings. Therefore, for preparing your submission please STRICTLY FOLLOW the E3S Web of Conferences Editorial Guidelines ( and Microsoft Word guidelines (

ICT@ESF-WS'2020 requires that every conference participant, not necessarily a speaker, but also a listener, registers at the conference. A dedicated registration service will be provided for this step. We need your registration for:
1. Personalizing your conference information bundle, including the badge with your name and affiliation
2. Offer additional services to you: e.g. visa support, hostel booking, official invitation letter preparation
3. Collecting statistical information about session attendance, including social events – for proper resource planning
4. Letting the other conference participants know who you are to facilitate networking
Please choose the right item for you to complete the registration, the registration fee is listed as follows:
– Authors (Presentation & Publication): 60 EUR and 200 UAH
– Audience (With conference information bundle): 200 UAH
– Audience (Without conference information bundle): No Fee
ICT@ESF-WS'2020 registration form will be open on April 1, 2020

Important Notices:
1. Registration fee covers the conference fee, conference material (conference program,
certification...), coffee/tea break.
2. Each paid registration covers only one paper and one attendee.
3. At least one author for each accepted final paper must register for paper publication.
4. Delegates should bear the Service Charge (if any) of the bank in the Sender's Side.

Accepted papers written in English will be published as a special issue of the E3S Web of Conferences journal (eISSN: 2267-1242 / publisher: EDP Sciences) in two month after conference.

Important dates
Submission deadline February 15, 2020
Notification due March 07, 2020
Final submission deadline March 21, 2020
Registration due April 25, 2020
Workshop day May 20, 2020

The workshop will be held in May 20, 2020 in Melitopol, Bogdan Khmelnitsky Melitopol State
Pedagogical University.
20, Hetmanska str., Melitopol, 72300, Ukraine

Viacheslav V. Osadchyi, +380979308618,

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