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Call for Workshops at EDCC 2020 : Call for Workshops at the 16th European Dependable Computing Conference (EDCC 2020)


When Sep 7, 2020 - Sep 7, 2020
Where Munich, Germany
Submission Deadline Feb 21, 2020
Notification Due Feb 28, 2020
Categories    computer systems   dependability   security

Call For Papers

Call for Workshops at EDCC 2020

EDCC 2020
7th -10th September 2020, Munich, Germany
The European Dependable Computing Conference (EDCC) is a unique forum for
researchers and practitioners to present and discuss their latest research
results on theory, techniques, systems, and tools for the design, validation,
operation and evaluation of dependable and secure computing systems.
Traditionally one-day workshops precede the main conference: the purpose of
the workshops is to provide a forum for exchanging opinions, presenting novel
ideas, and discussing preliminary results in an interactive atmosphere. Each
workshop can be half-day or one-day event.
The 16th edition of EDCC will be held in Munich, Germany, from 7th to 10th
September 2020 and the workshops will take place on Monday, 7th September

Proposal Submission
Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit a proposal including the

- The title of the workshop;
- A 150- to 200-word abstract, suitable for the conference website;
- Themes and goals, and relevance to the EDCC community;
- Information about the procedure for selecting papers and/or presentations,
plans for dissemination and publication, and expected number of participants;
- Preference for a half/one-day format;
- Information about previous editions of the same workshop, if any;
- Organizers and a list of foreseen Technical Program Committee (TPC) members
and their affiliations;
- Names and brief bios of organizers, including their past experience in
organizing workshops and/or conferences in the field.

Proposals should not exceed three pages in PDF format and should be sent to
the EDCC workshop chair: Simona Bernardi (

About the workshop organization
Workshop organizers are responsible for setting up an international Technical
Program Committee, independent of the one of the main conference. They may
select a TPC chair(s) or chair the TPC themselves. Responsibilities of the
workshop and TPC chairs include preparing and spreading a call for papers,
attract high-quality submissions, set up the reviewing and selection process
and assemble the workshop program. Workshops are expected to use their own
website, which will be linked from the EDCC website. If a workshop wishes to
have proceedings, workshop chairs will be responsible for the publication
process with initial assistance from the EDCC organization committee. Note
that it is by no means mandatory to have proceedings with a workshop, and
organizers are free to favor other forms of communications, as long as the
selection of presenters follows a competitive peer review process and that
abstracts are available on-line prior to the event.

Important Dates
- Workshop proposal submission: 21th February, 2020.
- Workshop acceptance notification: 28th February 2020.

Other dates (paper submission deadline, notification, camera ready) will be
discussed and decided as a consensus between workshop organizers and the EDCC
organization committee, prior to any diffusion of a call for paper or
communications. Selected workshops are expected to set up a website and issue
these calls before the 20th March 2020.

Evaluation Criteria
- Relevance to EDCC
- Timeliness and expected interest in the topic
- Organizers’ ability to lead a successful workshop
- Balance and synergy with other EDCC events

Further information
For any questions regarding workshops, please email the workshop chair:
Simona Bernardi, University of Zaragoza, Spain (

Related Resources

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