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ALiE 2020 : Arab Literature in English: Re-writing Gender, Race, Politics and Culture


When May 29, 2020 - May 29, 2020
Where Coventry
Submission Deadline Apr 15, 2020
Notification Due Apr 22, 2020
Final Version Due May 13, 2020
Categories    literature   compartive literature   literary theory   postcolonial literature

Call For Papers

A one-day interdisciplinary conference
Coventry University
Friday 29 May 2020

Keynote Speakers:
Dr Atef Alshaer (University of Westminster)
Dr Roxanne Douglas (University of Warwick)

The conference will bring academics and researchers together to discuss the current topics, trends, and themes in the field of Arab literature written in the English Language. The scope of the conference encompasses all forms of literary production such as poetry, fiction, memoirs and autobiographies. We encourage participants to present papers about literary works produced in English by Arab authors or authors of Arab origin. The conference has a special focus on how several (but not all) of the most established and most promising Arab writers have negotiated the multidirectional and transnational exigencies that inform their narratives and writings produced in English. The Conference papers could address but are not limited to the following topics:

Gender Issues in the Contemporary Era
Cultural Negotiation/Translation and Multiculturalism
Modernity vs Tradition
Postcolonial Inquiries and East-West Dialogues
Politics and Political Narratives
Racial and Ethnic Identities
Diasporic Space and Space of Diaspora
Migration and Migrancy
Strategies of Empowerment and Resistance
Memory of Place and Place of Memory
Rewriting the Middle East
You are invited to submit abstracts for 15-minute paper presentations by Wednesday 15 April 2020.

The abstract should be a maximum of 300 words and use the abstract template.
Your submission should be in English.
A brief biography of the presenting author should accompany the abstract.
Once you have prepared your abstract using the template please send to Ishak Berrebbah
You will be notified whether or not your abstract has been accepted by Wednesday 22 April 2020.
Queries should be directed to Ishak Berrebbah

There will be an award for best paper/presentation at the end of the conference. Criteria are based on originality of content, quality of delivery, and contribution to the conference.

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