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When May 6, 2021 - May 8, 2021
Abstract Registration Due Oct 1, 2020
Submission Deadline Mar 15, 2021
Notification Due Mar 30, 2021
Final Version Due Mar 30, 2021
Categories    prevention   LCA   biorefineries-biotechnology   composting

Call For Papers

The global food chain system is the single largest source of greenhouse gasses in the world, and the largest cause of biodiversity loss, terrestrial ecosystem destruction, freshwater consumption, and waterway pollution due to the mismanagement of biocides and nutrients. On top of these deficiencies, approximately 40% of all produced food is wasted throughout the farm to fork processes, while more than 900 million people remain undernourished.

Thus the margin for improvement of the global food chain system is huge, and may unlock pathways towards the stability of the Earth system and the future of humanity.
Against this background, the RETASTE Conference initiates the dialogue for innovative solutions and optimization schemes that exploit significant opportunities for food waste reduction, reuse, and recycling at all stages of the food life cycle, as well as their scalability and commercial translatability. In parallel, RETASTE aims to address the social aspects of food waste issues, as well as to highlight ways to tackle social and perception barriers against reducing our environmental footprint, thus shifting the evolving future of social, market, and global megatrends.

Through the conservation of resources, the strengthening of the social fabric, and the development of new value chains, RETASTE supports the implementation of Circular Economy concept.

The audience of RETASTE includes academia, industry, and stakeholders, and is truly transdisciplinary as the topics of the conference dictate. Join us to Rethink Food Waste!

Related Resources

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Future Foods Congress 2025   Future Foods Congress 2025: Bridging the future of sustainability and food science
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