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DACCHI 2013 : EICS 2013 Workshop on Dynamic And Continuous Computer-Human Interaction: Human and Computer Around a Loop


When Jun 24, 2013 - Jun 24, 2013
Where London, United Kingdom
Submission Deadline Apr 8, 2013
Notification Due Apr 29, 2013
Final Version Due May 13, 2013
Categories    HCI

Call For Papers

This workshop provides a focal point to the engineering of “continuous” and “dynamic” interaction as means of interfacing with computing systems. We include dynamics because feedback from the devices (e.g. visual, haptic or audio feedback) influences our actions and changes our perceptions over time. Thus we control what we perceive. Continuous interaction is at the heart of the interaction between the human and sensor-based applications such as gesture-controlled applications. Mathematical and dynamical models as commonly used in engineering, which bring both human and systems into feedback loops of interaction, have hitherto been under-used in HCI research. The scope of this subject is huge, both in terms of developing theory and in application. This workshop explores and brings new insights into a number of interfacing issues via this approach.

This one-day workshop invites participants from engineering, psychology, computer science and other subjects to contribute to the workshop with examples of feedback loops in interfacing with devices. The event focuses on mapping the conceptual space, creating novel ideas and interactive applications and discussing future opportunities.

We seek position papers and demonstration proposals associated with the following themes:

- The use of novel interaction techniques (for example gestures) in traditional systems.
- The use of hybrid dynamic frameworks for sensor-based interaction.
- The role of feedback loops in reducing or eliminating errors either in the design or evaluation processes.
- The role of feedback loops in developing, deploying and evaluating sensor-based interactive systems.
- Theoretical and practical foundations of dynamic interaction.

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