In the past years, Vietnam Fuzzy Systems Society (VFSS) organized successfully many artificial intelligence and fuzzy systems in such as VJFUZZY'98, MIF'99, VJFUZZY'2001, VJMEDIMAG'2001, Intech/VJFuzzy'2002, AFSS'2004, VN-KR MEDINFO'2005. In January of 2020, we organized successfully AICI’2020 at the Thang Long University, Vietnam. In the next year, the Second International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Computational Intelligence (AICI 2021), 15-16 January, 2021, will be organized by Institute of Information Technology, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology with the sponsor of the International Fuzzy Systems Association (IFSA). This conference aims at bringing together researchers in Artificial Intelligence and Computational Intelligence and related topics for an opportunity to present and discuss theoretical and applied research problems as well as to foster research collaborations.
Themes: Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, Deep Learning with Biomedical & other Applications.
Accepted papers for presentation at AICI 2021 will be published in the Springer-Verlag book series "Computational Intelligence" indexed in Scopus and Ei Compendex. Also, selected and extended papers will be considered (under further peer-reviewed process) for publications in Special Issue of Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Systems (indexed in ESCI, SCOPUS, COMPENSED (Ei-Index)).