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DAGM GCPR 2020 : German Conference on Pattern Recognition


When Sep 28, 2020 - Oct 1, 2020
Where University of Tübingen
Submission Deadline Jul 10, 2020
Notification Due Aug 13, 2020
Final Version Due Sep 4, 2020
Categories    pattern recognition   computer vision   machine learning   image/video processing

Call For Papers

The German Conference on Pattern Recognition (DAGM GCPR) 2020 is the 42nd annual symposium of the German Association for Pattern Recognition (DAGM, The DAGM GCPR conference addresses recent advances in theory, methodology, and applications of pattern recognition, machine learning, and computer vision.
Authors are invited to submit high-quality papers presenting original research. Submitted papers will be reviewed based on the criteria of originality, soundness, empirical evaluation, and presentation. In the long tradition of this conference series, the single track program with oral and poster sessions will provide ample opportunity for open-minded discussions and interaction. The conference will also include Invited Talks by both established and young principal investigators and a Young Researchers Forum.

DAGM GCPR 2020 will take place from September 28 to October 1 at the University of Tübingen, Germany. DAGM GCPR 2020 will be held together with VMV, the International Symposium on Vision, Modeling, and Visualization, and VCBM, the EG Workshop on Visual Computing for Biology and Medicine. Given the current situation, we have decided to make this a fully virtual event. Submissions are now open.

Conference: September 28 to October 1
Deadline: July 10, 2020 (no extensions)

We have taken several measures to make DAGM GCPR an attractive online meeting: We host DAGM GCPR jointly with two other conferences (graphics / visual computing for biology and medicine). Moreover, we host an invited talk session as well as several special tracks. We moved the submission deadline after ECCV acceptance notification and the strongest papers will be invited for publication in IJCV. As usual, the conference proceedings will be published in the Springer LNCS series.

* Image/video processing, analysis, and computer vision
* Machine learning and pattern recognition
* Mathematical foundations, statistical data analysis and models
* Computational photography and confluence of vision and graphics
* Biomedical image processing and analysis
* Document analysis
* Biometrics
* Applications

Special Tracks:
We especially invite submissions for these Special Tracks, which are chaired and reviewed explicitly by experts from the respective fields:
* Computer vision systems and applications
(Chairs: Bodo Rosenhahn, Carsten Steger)
* Pattern recognition in the life- and natural sciences
(Chairs: Joachim Denzler, Xiaoyi Jiang)
* Photogrammetry and remote sensing
(Chairs: Helmut Mayer, Uwe Sörgel)

Keynote Talk:
This year’s keynote talk will be given by Vladlen Koltun (Intel).

Invited Talks:
This year, we host a special session with several invited experts in the field:
* Matthias Bethge (University of Tübingen)
* Vittorio Ferrari (Google)
* Anna Khoreva (Bosch)
* Christoph H. Lampert (IST Austria)
* Davide Scaramuzza (University of Zurich)
* Bernt Schiele (Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik)
* Sabine Süsstrunk (EPFL)
* Siyu Tang (ETH Zurich)


The paper length is limited to 12 pages (LNCS style) plus references (up to 2 pages). In addition, supplementary materials can be submitted. All manuscripts will be subject to a double-blind review process. The conference proceedings will be published in the Springer LNCS series.


* Best Paper Awards (1500 EUR + 500 EUR + 500 EUR, sponsored by Cognex)
* German Pattern Recognition Award (5000 EUR, sponsored by Daimler)
* MVTec Dissertation Award (2500 EUR, sponsored by MVTec)
* Best Master Thesis Award (500 EUR, see link below)
* Young Researchers’ Forum Travel Grants (500 EUR, see link below)


From all GCPR 2020 submissions the best papers will be invited to contribute to a special issue of the International Journal of Computer Vision (IJCV).


Paper submission: July 10, 2020 (23:59 GMT+1, no extensions)
Author notification: August 14, 2020
Final paper deadline: September 4, 2020


Andreas Geiger (University of Tübingen and MPI-IS) (General Chair and Program Chair)
Zeynep Akata (University of Tübingen) (Program Chair)
Torsten Sattler (Chalmers University) (Program Chair)



Related Resources

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