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AAAI 2021 : 35th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence


Conference Series : National Conference on Artificial Intelligence
When Feb 2, 2021 - Feb 9, 2021
Where Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Submission Deadline TBD
Categories    artificial intelligence   machine learning   knowledge representation   reasoning

Call For Papers

Call for Papers


AAAI-21 will be a virtual conference.
Two technical tracks (main track; AI for social impact); three focus areas in the main track (Neuro-Symbolic AI; AI Responses to the COVID-19 Pandemic; AI for Conference Organization and Delivery).
Two pages for references; optional ethics statement on these pages.
Two-phase reviewing: two reviews in Phase 1, another two in Phase 2 for papers that are not rejected in Phase 1. Author response after Phase 2, only for papers that are not rejected in Phase 1.
NeurIPS/EMNLP Fast Track: rejected papers with scores at least 5.0 (NeurIPS-20) or 2.8 (EMNLP-20) may be submitted directly into Phase 2 along with previous reviews, paper ID, etc.
Four kinds of supplementary material may be submitted alongside papers: (1) technical appendix; (2) multimedia; (3) code and data; (4) previous reviews and author response. Supplementary material deadline is one week after paper submission deadline.
All authors must complete a reproducibility checklist.
All authors are expected to be available to review (light load), unless extenuating circumstances apply.

Timetable for Authors

Note: all deadlines are “anywhere on earth” (UTC-12)
August 15, 2020: AAAI web site open for author registration
September 1, 2020: Abstracts due at 11:59 PM UTC-12
September 9, 2020: Full papers due at 11:59 PM UTC-12
September 16, 2020: Supplementary material and code due by 11:59 PM UTC-12
September 29, 2020: Abstracts AND full papers for NeurIPS/EMNLP fasttrack submissions due by 11:59 PM UTC-12
October 6, 2020: Supplementary material and code for NeurIPS/EMNLP fasttrack submissions due by 11:59 PM UTC-12
October 13: Notification of Phase 1 rejections
November 3-5, 2020: Author feedback window
December 1, 2020: Notification of final acceptance or rejection
December 15, 2020: Submission of paper preprints for inclusion in electronic conference materials
February 2-9, 2021: AAAI 2021
March 2, 2021: Submission of archival versions of papers for publication in the AAAI digital library.


The purpose of the AAAI conference series is to promote research in artificial intelligence (AI) and foster scientific exchange between researchers, practitioners, scientists, students, and engineers in AI and its affiliated disciplines. AAAI-21 is the Thirty-Fifth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence. Like previous AAAI conferences it will feature technical paper presentations, invited speakers, workshops, tutorials, poster sessions, senior member presentations, competitions, and exhibit programs, all selected according to the highest standards. AAAI-21 will also include additional programs for students and young researchers.
Virtual Conference
AAAI-21 will be a virtual conference (recorded talks, opportunities to interact electronically). Every presenter will have the option of participating remotely. We will make more information available as it is finalized.
AAAI-21 welcomes submissions reporting research that advances artificial intelligence, broadly conceived. The conference scope includes machine learning (deep learning, statistical learning, etc), natural language processing, computer vision, data mining, multiagent systems, knowledge representation, human-in-the-loop AI, search, planning, reasoning, robotics and perception, and ethics. In addition to fundamental work focused on any one of these areas we expressly encourage work that cuts across technical areas of AI, bridges between AI and a related research area (e.g., neuroscience; cognitive science) or develops AI techniques in the context of important application domains, such as healthcare, sustainability, transportation, and commerce.
The current set of AAAI-21 keywords is available on the AAAI-21 keywords page. We invite authors to propose keywords that they feel are missing until August 1 at this form; the list of keywords will be finalized by August 15.
Most papers in AAAI-21 will be part of the “main track”. In addition to typical AI areas, there will be three focus areas within the main track that highlight timely topics. All main track papers will be reviewed according to the same criteria and via the same process. A second track of the conference will focus on AI for Social Impact. Papers in this track will be reviewed according to a different evaluation rubric than papers in the main track. The same reviewing schedule will be followed for all papers.
Focus Areas in the Main Track
Beyond the usual keywords, the AAAI-21 main track will highlight three focus areas. These are (1) Neuro-Symbolic AI; (2) AI Responses to the COVID-19 Pandemic; and (3) AI for Conference Organization and Delivery. The Conference Committee especially encourages submissions in these focus areas, and will highlight these at the conference in separate sessions. Further details are available at the Focus Areas page. Submissions to the focus areas will be overseen by dedicated area chairs but reviewed according to the same standards and procedures as other AAAI technical submissions.
Neuro-Symbolic AI
Approaches melding neural and symbolic reasoning are emerging as a hot topic in the AI community. With the huge recent growth in neural methods and AAAI’s deep roots in symbolic approaches, AAAI is uniquely well suited to fostering this conversation. Example topics include, but are not limited to, representation learning over trees, graphs, first-order logic formulas, and other symbolic objects; using intermediate symbolic representations within a neural network; neural network with prior symbolic knowledge, such as constraints, symbolic features; and combining traditional symbolic algorithms along with neural models.
AI Responses to the COVID-19 Pandemic
This focus area will highlight AI solutions in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Topics include, but are not limited to, efforts to further scientific understanding of the virus and its impact on society; models for spread of the pandemic; approaches leveraging AI to help contain the virus; methods for improving treatment of COVID-19 patients; and mitigations for economic, social or technical challenges arising from the pandemic.
AI for Conference Organization and Delivery
Entirely virtual conferences have suddenly become a reality, creating both the opportunity and need to leverage AI-based technologies to improve attendees’ experiences: e.g., in discovering papers of interest; watching presentations of technical material; engaging with authors in question periods or poster sessions; and interacting with colleagues in virtual “coffee breaks” or other social activities. Furthermore, many technical problems arise in the organization of AI conferences that can be addressed by AI techniques: e.g., matching thousands of reviewers and papers; detecting conflicts; incentivizing reviewers to invest effort; facilitating conversations among reviewers; recommending paper acceptance or rejection; and scheduling and delivering presentations of accepted papers. This focus area will highlight novel approaches for leveraging AI in the organization and delivery of large, electronically mediated conferences like AAAI itself.
Track on AI for Social Impact
As in past years, AAAI-21 will include a Track on AI for Social Impact (AISI). Submissions to this track will be reviewed according to a rubric that emphasizes the fit between the techniques used and a problem of social importance, rather than simply rewarding technical novelty. In particular, reviewers will assess novelty of the AI problem formulation studied; the paper’s engagement with previous literature on the application problem (whether in the AI literature or elsewhere); both novelty of and justification for the proposed solution; quality of evaluation; facilitation of follow-up work; and overall scope and promise for social impact. Further details are available at the AISI page.
Authors should think carefully about which track is most appropriate for their work. For example, a paper that emphasizes methodological contributions and makes weak connections to a social impact application may stand more chance of acceptance in the main technical track.
Two-Phase Reviewing
AAAI 2021 will use a new, two-phase reviewing process, which will work as follows.
The abstract deadline for AAAI submissions will be September 1, 2020, and the deadline for full paper submissions will be September 9, 2020.
Phase 1:
Every paper will be allocated two reviewers.
If a paper receives two reviews that are both sufficiently negative, it will be rejected without any opportunity for author feedback.
Remaining papers will progress to Phase 2.
Phase 2:
Each paper will be allocated two new reviewers.
These reviewers will not be given access to Phase 1 reviews until after submitting their own reviews.
A single author feedback phase will give authors of papers from Phase 2 an opportunity to comment on all reviews (from both phases), running from November 3-5.
The program committee and senior program committee will engage in a discussion phase, taking author feedback into account
Final decisions will be announced on December 1st.
NeurIPS and EMNLP Fast Track Submissions into Phase 2
The notification dates of NeurIPS-20 and EMNLP-20 do not permit authors of rejected papers to submit by the beginning of AAAI’s Phase 1. In coordination with the NeurIPS-20 and EMNLP-20 program chairs, we have therefore created a process by which such authors can submit revisions of such rejected papers directly into Phase 2. This will work as follows. We will consider that revisions of rejected submissions with an overall score of at least 5.0 (NeurIPS) or 2.8 (EMNLP) have satisfied the conditions of AAAI’s first phase, and hence will accept them directly into AAAI’s second phase. The deadline for such submissions is September 29. (Authors anticipating that they may make such a submission are free to submit their abstracts before Phase 1, in which case their paper will be included in Phase 1 bidding; however, authors are free to submit both abstracts and papers of Fast Track submissions until September 29, in which case bidding will occur before the start of Phase 2.)
To be eligible, in addition to supplying all of the information that constitutes a regular AAAI submission, authors must also provide all of the following:
The paper ID of the NeurIPS/EMNLP submission
The authors listed on the NeurIPS/EMNLP submission
The title of the NeurIPS/EMNLP submission
The original PDF submitted to NeurIPS/EMNLP
All NeurIPS/EMNLP reviews, including scores and all text
An author response document describing all changes made since the NeurIPS/EMNLP submission. Authors are encouraged to make a detailed response to each point raised by reviewers, and are free to explain any errors they believe that reviewers made.
In order to submit through this mechanism, authors must explicitly give consent for AAAI to share all submitted information with NeurIPS/EMNLP to verify its accuracy. AAAI reserves the right to summarily reject papers for any reason, including because a submission (a) did not accurately disclose any of the information listed above (either by modifying it or by failing to disclose it, in whole or in part); (b) failed to name any of the authors listed as part of the original submission as authors of the AAAI submission (when appropriate, new author names can be added to AAAI submissions); (c) used a previous NeurIPS/EMNLP submission as a “placeholder” to enable late submission of a materially different AAAI submission.
AAAI reviewers will not have access to any information about a previous NeurIPS/EMNLP submission or previous reviews until after submitting their own reviews; then, they will be given access to all of the above information except for author names and paper ID. Final decisions will be made based only on the opinions of AAAI reviewers, SPC members and area chairs. However, members of the AAAI program committee will be encouraged to update their own reviews to take into account points made by previous NeurIPS/EMNLP reviewers to the extent they consider appropriate, paying particular attention to points that were not adequately addressed in the author response.
Author Registration
Authors must register at the AAAI-21 web-based technical track paper submission site before they can submit abstracts and papers. To avoid last-minute congestion, authors are encouraged to register well in advance of the abstract deadline.
IMPORTANT: Authors must enter the names of ALL AUTHORS at the time of registration (by abstract deadline) — CMT includes a hard-coded note that this is optional, but it is a mandatory step for AAAI-21 authors. According to AAAI policy, all author names must be added at the time of abstract registration, and the list of names as well as the order in which they appear cannot be changed after the final paper submission deadline. In addition, the contact author and contact information cannot be changed after the abstract submission deadline. For the complete policy on Guidelines for Changes to Titles/Authors after Submissions, please see below.
Call for Reviewers
Given the massive recent increase in the number of submissions to AAAI conferences, we face an urgent need to increase the size of the reviewer pool. All authors of AAAI-21 submissions will thus be expected to join the conference’s reviewer pool unless prevented by extenuating circumstances. As part of abstract submission each of a paper’s authors must indicate that they are willing to review for AAAI or give a reason why they cannot, and must give pointers to Google Scholar, Semantic Scholar and DBLP pages, as appropriate. Potential reviewers will be vetted based on their research experience, and depending on this experience may be selected as program committee or senior program committee members. Reviewing loads will be light (hopefully only 2-3 papers in each of Phase 1 and Phase 2). Students who qualify to review given their publication records will only be asked to review in Phase 2 and at most one student will be assigned to review any paper. We thank authors in advance for their willingness to contribute to this important task.
Abstract and Paper Submission
Every submission requires both an abstract submission and a corresponding paper submission. There is no option to submit only an abstract, and every paper must be preceded by an abstract submission. For regular papers, abstracts must be submitted by September 1, 2020 and full papers must be submitted by September 9. For fast track papers, both abstracts and full papers must be submitted by September 29. There will be no individual exceptions. If you experience any technical problems with the CMT site, please contact the AAAI-21 Workflow Chairs at
Submissions will not be accepted by e-mail or any other mechanism other than CMT. CMT will generate an email confirming receipt of submitted abstracts and papers, including an ID number, shortly after submission. AAAI will contact authors again only if problems are encountered with papers. We intend to close the submission system exactly at the deadline; however, in the event of system outages or other exceptional circumstances, last minute changes may be announced on Twitter by both @k_leyton_brown and @mishumausam using the #AAAI2021 hashtag. Once the deadline has passed, we regret that we will be unable to make individual exceptions or to correspond with authors regarding circumstances that prevented timely submission.
At the time of abstract submission, authors should include a full title for their paper and a complete abstract in the fields provided. Submissions that have “placeholder” (test, xyz, etc.) titles or abstracts (or none at all) will be deleted. Authors of such vacuous submissions will be notified that their abstract has been deleted and will not be allowed to submit a full paper. The Program Chairs also reserve the right to reject papers without review if they change their abstracts substantially after bidding has occurred (i.e., between the abstract and final deadlines).
Papers must be formatted in AAAI two-column, camera-ready style; see the AAAI-21 author kit (available July 20) for details. Papers must be in trouble-free, high-resolution PDF format, formatted for US Letter (8.5″ x 11″) paper, using Type 1 or TrueType fonts. AAAI submissions are anonymous, and must conform to the instructions (detailed below) for double-blind review. The authors must manually remove all author and affiliation information from their submission for review, and may replace it with other information, such as paper number and keywords. Submissions may consist of up to 7 pages of technical content plus up to two additional pages solely for references, an ethics statement if applicable (see below); acknowledgements should be omitted from papers submitted for review, but may be included in these two additional pages for accepted papers. The AAAI copyright block is hard-coded into the AAAI paper templates to retain proper spacing and cannot be removed; however, it is not binding until a paper is accepted and a signed copyright form is submitted by the author.
Only PDF files are required at the time of submission for review; you will additionally need to submit paper source files if your paper is accepted for publication.
Submission Limit per Author
Each individual author is limited to no more than a combined limit of 15 submissions to the AAAI-21 technical track (including papers in focus areas and the AI for Social Impact track) and authors may not be added to papers following submission (see below for policies about author changes).
Guidelines for Changes to Titles/Authors after Submissions
MODIFICATIONS TO SUBMISSIONS ARE ONLY ALLOWED UNTIL THE PAPER DEADLINE. No exceptions will be granted. Please see the full policy on Submission/Paper Modification Guidelines.
Blind Review Instructions
Reviewing for AAAI is double blind (i.e., neither reviewers nor authors should be able to identify each other). The first page, on which the paper body begins, should include the title, abstract, content areas, and ID number (if available), but not names or affiliations of the authors. Acknowledgments of funding or assistance should also be omitted. Ensure that no information is included that would identify the authors or their affiliations; papers including such information may be summarily rejected at the discretion of the program chairs.
Submissions should include references to all published literature relevant to the paper. When authors’ own previous work is relevant, they have three options, in descending order of desirability. (1) Use the third person, rather than the first person. For example, say “Previously, Hinton et al (2006) showed that…,” rather than “In our previous work (Hinton et al, 2006) we showed that…”. (2) Avoid citing previous, unpublished work that would surely identify the authors (e.g., a previous technical report or PhD thesis which substantially overlaps with the current submission); such citations may be added to the camera ready. (3) When neither previous option is appropriate, cite as “Anonymous (2019)” to indicate that a citation has been suppressed.
There are two cases where the existence of non-anonymous online material will not be considered a violation of AAAI’s blind review policy: it is acceptable for submitted work (1) to appear in a preliminary version as an unrefereed preprint (e.g., on, social media, personal websites) or in any workshop that does not have archival proceedings; or (2) to be discussed in research talks, even if abstracts or videos of such talks are made available online. In such cases, the AAAI submission should not include citations or other pointers to the non-anonymous material and the non-anonymous online material should not reference the fact that the work was submitted to AAAI; violations may lead to summary rejection. Reviewers will be instructed not to actively seek out such previous publications or to share knowledge of them with other reviewers, but will not be disqualified if they encounter such information.
Policy Concerning Multiple Submissions to Conferences or Journals
AAAI-21 will not consider any paper that, at the time of submission, is under review for or has already been published or accepted for publication in any archival venue such as a journal or a conference. (Workshops and preprint servers such as arXiv are acceptable, as described in the paragraph above.) Authors are free to retract a submission from a venue with a concurrent review process (e.g., from NeurIPS or EMNLP) and submit the same work to AAAI-21 as a regular paper provided that this retraction occurs before the AAAI-21 submission. Authors must confirm at the time of submission that the paper is not under review at another archival conference or journal.
Once they have made a submission to AAAI-21, authors may not submit the same paper to another archival conference or journal until they receive an accept/reject decision from AAAI-21 or they withdraw their submission from AAAI-21. In some cases, it may require a judgement call to determine whether two concurrent submissions constitute a violation of AAAI’s multiple submission policy. If a concern is raised about the similarity of two non-identical submissions, at least three people will inspect whatever information is available about both submissions. If they all agree that the simultaneous submission has excessive technical overlap, the paper will be summarily rejected and the organizers of the other conference will be informed about AAAI’s decision. As with all summary rejects, such decisions are final.
Citation and Comparison
Papers are expected to cite those refereed publications most relevant to their content, but authors are excused for not knowing about all non-refereed work (e.g, appearing on ArXiv). Nevertheless, in cases where such prior work is widely known in the field, its existence may be considered by reviewers in assessing a submission’s novelty. Papers published less than two months before the regular paper submission deadline (September 9, 2020) are considered contemporaneous to all AAAI-21 submissions (whether submitted as regular or fast track submissions); authors are not obliged to address such papers (though, especially for the camera ready versions of accepted papers, authors are encouraged to do so).
Supplementary Material
Submissions should not contain pointers to supplementary material on the web, as this may violate both blind review and the policy that submissions cannot be changed after they are made available to reviewers. However, authors have the option of submitting supplementary material in support of their submissions. All such material is due no later than September 16 (regular papers), and October 6 (NeurIPS/EMNLP fast track papers). Authors can include one or more of the following: (1) a technical appendix (PDF) containing additional details in support of the arguments advanced by the main paper (e.g., proofs, experimental results, descriptions of datasets); (2) a multimedia appendix (ZIP) including images, audio files, video demonstrations, etc., in support of the paper; (3) code & data (ZIP) to aid the reviewers in assessing the reproducibility of the paper’s claims; and (4) three previous submission documents (PDFs) that include the set of previous reviews, an author response to these reviews, and the version of the paper to which these reviews apply.
The purpose of supplementary material is simply to assist reviewers; it will not be published if the paper is accepted for publication. However, authors of an accepted paper are free to include links to supplementary material or a full version of their paper on a personal homepage, a preprint server like arXiv, or a code repository like github. Authors must be very careful not to violate the double blind review requirements in any supplementary material to prevent their paper from being summarily rejected.
Technical Appendix
The length of main submissions is strictly limited, as already described. Authors may optionally submit a technical appendix (PDF) containing additional supporting information such as proofs of theorems that are stated in the main paper; additional information needed to reproduce experiments; further experimental results; figures and examples to illustrate technical claims; etc. The main submission may reference the supplementary material, but should be self contained. Reviewers will be instructed to make their acceptance evaluations based on the main submission, and will not be obliged to consult the supplementary material. If proofs or other supplementary matter are an important part of the contribution, their essential elements should be included in the main paper.
Multimedia Appendix
Some authors may also wish to provide additional material, such as images, videos, audios or other multimedia to supplement their paper. All such files should be combined into a single .zip file and uploaded to the CMT server. As always, such submissions should be properly anonymized; authors are urged to take particular care to ensure that any submitted video avoids images of the authors, identifiable voices, university or lab logos, recognizable campus scenes, etc.
Code & Data Appendix
Authors are encouraged to provide their software and all data needed to reproduce results in the paper as a third form of supplementary material. All files must be combined into a .zip file and uploaded to the CMT server. Reviewers may use this material to verify the claims made in the main paper and to assess the reproducibility of the work. If a dataset’s size exceeds the available max limit set by CMT, then authors are encouraged to upload a representative subset of their data.
Appendix for Resubmissions of Substantially Improved, Previously Rejected Submissions
Authors of submissions that have been rejected or withdrawn from another top-tier AI sister conference (including but not limited to AAAI-20, AAMAS, ACL, AISTATS, COLT, CoRL, CP, CPAIOR, CVPR, EC, ECAI, ECML, EMNLP, HCOMP, HRI, ICAPS, ICCV, ICDM, ICLR, ICML, ICRA, ICWSM, IJCAI, IROS, IUI, KDD, KR, NAACL, NeurIPS, RSS, SAT, SIGIR, WWW, WSDM, UAI) before the AAAI paper submission deadline may either (1) submit their work without reference to the previous version, in which case it will be treated like any other AAAI submission; or (2) additionally submit three documents: their paper’s prior reviews, a cover letter, and the previously reviewed paper version. The cover letter should describe all changes made since the previous submission and directly address the reviews, ideally point by point; authors are also free to explain any errors they believe that previous reviewers made.
In case (2), AAAI reviewers will review each submission independently, but will be provided the additional information as soon as they submit their own review; if they made a reject recommendation they will be asked to consider whether such material causes them to change their mind. In the end, all decisions will be made based only on the opinions of AAAI reviewers, SPC members and area chairs.
Reproducibility Guidelines
Authors must complete a reproducibility checklist at the time of paper submission. These responses will become part of each paper submission and will be shared with reviewers. Information related to reproducing experimental results described in the submission may be included in the main paper or the Code and Data Appendix, as appropriate. Further technical details (proofs, descriptions of assumptions, algorithm pseudocode) may be included in the Technical Appendix. When appropriate, authors are encouraged to include detailed information about each reproducibility criterion as part of their Technical Appendix. Reviewers will be asked to assess the degree to which the results reported in a paper are reproducible, and this assessment will be weighed when making final decisions about each paper.
Ethics Policy
All AAAI authors and reviewers are required to honor the AAAI Publications Ethics and Malpractice Statement, as well as the AAAI Code of Professional Conduct.
Additionally, this year, we encourage authors to (optionally) write a statement about the potential ethical impact of their work, including its broad societal implications, both positive and negative. This statement may be written within and as part of the two extra pages designated for references, and will not be counted in the seven pages of technical content. Although writing a statement is optional, reviewers will be asked to assess every paper’s ethical implications; a paper may be rejected for ethical reasons if (1) an author is found to violate the AAAI Publications Ethics and Malpractice Statement or the AAAI Code of Professional Conduct; or (2) reviewers identify negative ethical concerns about a paper and it did not adequately address these concerns either in an ethics statement or in its main body.
Final Paper Publication
Each accepted paper will be allocated 7 pages in the proceedings plus up to 2 additional pages solely for references, acknowledgements, and ethics statement. All references in the submitted paper must appear in the final version, unless superseded. Authors have the option to purchase up to two additional pages to include additional technical content in the published proceedings at a cost of $275 per page. Final papers found to exceed page limits and or otherwise violating the instructions to authors will not be included in the proceedings. Authors will be required to transfer copyright of their paper to AAAI. Authors will submit PDF preprints of accepted papers (“near camera-ready”) for inclusion in the electronic materials made available to conference attendees by December 15, 2020. Authors will then have the opportunity to briefly revise their papers to take account of feedback received at the conference, and must submit their final camera-ready version, including LaTeX or Word source files, by March 2, 2021. These published, archival versions of the papers will be made available in the AAAI Digital Library.
Conference Registration and Attendance
For each submitted paper, at least one author is required to register for the conference and to present the paper. Details about attendance at the conference will be posted to the AAAI web page.
During paper submission, authors will be able to express interest in giving a public demo of systems described in the paper. Based on these expressions of interest and on reviews, papers will be selected to participate in a demonstration session, which will happen in addition to technical talks and posters.
Journal Track
A select set of top-rated papers may be nominated for fast track reviewing at participating journals, including the AI Journal (AIJ) and the Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research (JAIR). Nominated authors will be invited to submit extended versions of their AAAI-21 papers for fast-track consideration.
Affiliated Events
AAAI will be co-located with three other exciting sister conferences. Authors may want to consider whether their potential AAAI submission is more appropriate for one of these other venues.
(1) IAAI solicits papers on applications that showcase novel uses of AI technology, with a particular focus on successful deployments, challenge problems, and methodologies related to deploying applications at scale.
(2) EAAI solicits papers that discuss contributions related to AI education and use of AI in education.
(3) AIES solicits papers on ethical and societal implications of AI, such as job loss, legality of AI applications and trustworthiness.
While each sister event has a distinct focus, each has some degree of overlap with AAAI-21. Thus, while most papers published at either AAAI or each of the sister conferences would be inappropriate for publication at the others, in some cases work may be appropriate for more than one venue. Authors are advised to consult each event’s CFP carefully and to use their best judgement in determining where to submit their work. We note that these sister events have independent program committees and review processes, so we are unable to move papers after submission from AAAI to a sister conference or vice versa.
Questions and Suggestions
Please send queries about author instructions and conference registration to Please direct suggestions for the program and other general inquiries to the AAAI-21 Program Cochairs at
AAAI-21 Conference Organizers
Program Co-chairs
Kevin Leyton-Brown (University of British Columbia, Canada)
Mausam (Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, India)
General Chair
Qiang Yang (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and WeBank, Hongkong)
Associate Program Co-chairs
Yan Liu (University of Southern California, USA)
Gabriele Röger (Universität Basel, Switzerland)
Associate Conference Co-chairs for Virtual Operations
Weike Pan (Shenzhen University, China)
Lingfei Wu (IBM Research, USA)
Workflow Co-chairs
Dinesh Raghu (IBM Research Delhi, India)
Guangneng Hu (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hongkong)
Hedayat Zarkoob (University of British Columbia, Canada)
Reproducibility Chair
Odd Erik Gundersen (Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway)

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