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APEEN 2021 : APEEN2021 Conference: Energy Transition and Sustainability


When Jan 20, 2021 - Jan 21, 2021
Where Online
Submission Deadline Sep 10, 2021
Categories    energy transition   sustainability   energy systems

Call For Papers

The 5th Annual Conference of the Portuguese Association of Energy Economics (APEEN) is fully dedicated to all aspects of the Energy Transition and Sustainability. Climate change and sustainability are challenging energy systems to new levels of innovation, in terms of technology, regulation and social values. The 5th APEEN conference aims to join leading academic scientists, researchers, innovators and business and social stakeholders, through an interdisciplinary context to present, share and discuss the most recent experiences, research results, innovations and ideas around the multiple themes on Energy Transition and Sustainability. It aims to strengthen ties among academia, industry, regulators, authorities and policy makers, as a contribution to achieve sustainable and carbon neutral energy systems.

The 5th Annual APEEN Conference is organized by CENSE (Center for Environmental and Sustainability Research) from NOVA School of Science and Tecnhology .

APEEN2021 will cover the following topics:

Renewable energy sources and technologies
Energy storage
Energy security and sustainability
Technologies for carbon neutrality
Energy-efficient and sustainable buildings
Energy efficiency in industry
Sustainable mobility
Energy systems modeling
Energy systems resilience to climate change
Energy communities and prosumers
Energy sustainability in cities, including supply chain
Natural resources and materials for energy systems
Energy indicators for sustainability
Environmental impacts of energy systems
Digital technologies for sustainable energy systems
Artificial intelligence and big data for energy transition
Public policies and smart regulation for sustainable and carbon neutral energy system
Energy economics and markets
Energy Transition financing
Energy Poverty
Social aspects of energy transition
Policy, education, and legal aspects of energy transition
Energy for sustainable development

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