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ECOOP 2021 : Call for papers: 35th European Conference on Object-Oriented ProgrammingConference Series : European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming | |||||||||
Link: https://2021.ecoop.org/ | |||||||||
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Call For Papers | |||||||||
The 35th Edition of ECOOP Call for Papers 12th-16th July 2021 Aarhus, Denmark https://2021.ecoop.org/ Co-located with ISSTA 2021 ============================================================ ECOOP is a conference about programming. Originally its primary focus was on object orientation, but now it looks at a much broader range of programming topics. Areas of interest include the design, implementation, optimization, analysis, testing, verification, and theory of programs, programming languages, and programming environments. Papers may focus on new tools (e.g., language implementations, program analyses, runtime systems), techniques (e.g., code organization approaches, methodologies), principles (e.g., semantics, proofs, paradigms), evaluations (e.g., experiments, corpora analyses, user studies), or some combination of the above. ECOOP solicits both innovative and creative solutions to real problems as well as evaluations of existing solutions that provide new insights. It also encourages the submission of reproduction studies. ECOOP 2021 solicits high-quality submissions describing original, unpublished results. The program committee will evaluate the technical contribution of each submission as well as its general relevance and accessibility to the ECOOP audience according to the following criteria: - Originality. Papers must present new ideas and place them appropriately within the context established by previous research in the field. - Significance. The results in the paper must have the potential to add significantly to the state of the art or practice. - Evidence. The paper must present evidence supporting its claims. Examples of evidence include implemented systems, experimental results, statistical analyses, case studies, formalizations, and proofs. - Clarity. The paper must present its contributions and results clearly. On submission, authors will be asked to identify their paper with one of the following categories: - Research Paper. This is the most traditional category and solicits high quality research papers that demonstrate advances in the field. (As an alternative to being published in the conference proceedings, authors may wish to submit research papers to be considered for publication in ACM TOPLAS or Science of Computer Programming; see below.) - Tool Insights Paper. These submissions focus on the practical details of the design and implementation of PL tools—details that are often omitted from regular research papers, despite being fascinating and worthy of communication. A strong Tool Insights Paper should communicate engineering experience and insights that are likely to be useful to other members of the PL community, who may face similar problems in future. Examples of issues that Tool Insights Papers might focus on include, but are not limited to: performance, reliability, portability, inter-tool integration, infrastructure re-use, evaluation issues, theory/practice gaps, precision/efficiency, and soundness/efficiency trade-offs. - Reproduction Study. A Reproduction Study is an empirical evaluation. It reconstructs an already published experiment but in a different context (for example, using a different virtual machine or platform, or in a different class of applications) in order to validate or refute important results of earlier work. A good Reproduction Study includes thorough empirical evaluation as well as a detailed comparison with the previous results, providing reasons for possible disagreements. (A thoroughly-conducted Reproduction Study that perfectly replicates an existing experiment and reaches the same conclusions will be regarded as significant, so long as said experiment is significant enough to be worthy of reproduction.) - Experience Report. Such reports focus on noteworthy applications of known PL techniques, tools, and ideas in interesting domains and by other communities. Examples include, but are not limited to, applications of PL techniques in industry, open source, education, and other academic disciplines. We welcome reports on successful applications of PL ideas and reports that shed light on limitations and problems that may provide inspiration for future research. - Pearl. This category solicits articles that explain a known idea in a new and elegant way, to the benefit of the PL community. A Pearl may well be shorter than a regular research paper, but there is no hard requirement on this. - Brave New Idea. The Brave New Idea category solicits forward-looking articles on ideas in the field of PL that may take some time to substantiate, but for which early communication to the community is likely to be of benefit. For this category we welcome papers that are particularly conceptually novel or unconventional and that as a result may be harder to back up by traditional evaluation methods. A Brave New Idea paper may well be shorter than a regular research paper, but there is no requirement for it to be so. Paper submission =================== Only papers that have not been published and are not under review for publication elsewhere may be submitted. Double submissions will be rejected without review. If major parts of an ECOOP submission have appeared elsewhere in any form, authors are required to notify the ECOOP program chair and explain the overlap and relationship. Authors are also required to inform the program chair about closely related work submitted to another conference while the ECOOP submission is under review. Papers must be no longer than 25 pages, excluding references. See below for information about appendices. Authors will not be penalized for papers that are shorter than the page limit. Submissions will be carried out electronically via HotCRP. ECOOP Proceedings are published by Dagstuhl LIPIcs. Papers must be written in English and follow the Dagstuhl LIPIcs LaTeX-style template [1]. Authors retain ownership of their content. Note: Submitted papers do not need to include the ACM classification or keywords. Also, please DO NOT put your name in either the \author or \Copyright macro, in order to maintain anonymity for double-blind reviewing (see below). Anonymity =================== ECOOP will use double-blind reviewing, where authors’ identities are only revealed if a paper is accepted (a.k.a. strong double-blind reviewing). To facilitate this, papers must adhere to three rules: - author names and institutions must be omitted, and - references to authors’ own related work should be in the third person (e.g., not “We build on our previous work …” but rather “We build on the work of …”), and - any supplementary material should be similarly anonymized. The purpose of this process is to help reviewers decide whether to accept a submission without bias, not to make it impossible for them to discover the authors if they were to try. Nothing should be done in the name of anonymity that weakens the submission or makes the job of reviewing the paper more difficult. For further details, see the double-blind reviewing FAQ [2]. If there are any doubts, please contact the program chair. Additional material =================== Clearly marked additional appendices containing analyses, statistics, supporting proofs, etc. of possible value to reviewers but not published in the final publication, may be included beyond the page limit. The submission system provides an option to submit supplementary material; for example, a technical report including proofs, or an archive of code or raw data. All supplementary material must be anonymized to facilitate double-blind review. Reviewers are under no obligation to examine such appendices and supplementary material. Therefore, the paper must be a stand-alone document - the appendices and supplementary material are a way of providing useful information that cannot fit in the page limit; they are not a means to extend the page limit. Response period =================== Authors will be given a six-day period (four weekdays) to read and respond to the reviews of their papers before the program committee meeting. Responses have no formal length limit, but concision is likely to be effective. Artifact Evaluation and Intent =================== To reward the creation of artifacts and support replication of experiments, authors of accepted research papers may submit artifacts (such as tools, data, models, or videos) to be evaluated by an Artifact Evaluation Committee. Artifacts that pass muster will be recognized officially. To further encourage submission of artifacts, authors will be asked whether they intend to submit an artifact for evaluation during the paper submission process, and to provide an explanation if they do not intend to do so. (Note that artifact submission may not be appropriate for all papers (e.g., a Brave New Idea paper), and it is perfectly acceptable to not submit an artifact in such cases.) Information on artifact intent for a submission will be shared with reviewers. Skipping artifact submission without appropriate justification after indicating intent to submit may be grounds for paper rejection. Important Dates =============== - Paper submission: 11 January 2021 (Mon) - Author response: 10–15 March 2021 (Wed–Mon) - Author notification: 1 April 2021 (Thu) Journal First ============= We have Journal First arrangements with ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems and Elsevier Science of Computer Programming. Common to both routes --------------------- Only new research papers are eligible for the Journal First routes to ECOOP 2021. That is, it is not acceptable to submit an extension of a previous conference paper, even if the associated journal solicits extended papers via its standard submission route. Authors of all accepted Journal First papers will be invited to submit a short abstract for their paper to appear in the ECOOP 2021 conference proceedings. Journal First papers will be included along with research papers submitted directly to the conference when a Distinguished Paper is selected. ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems route ------------------------------------- See this dedicated announcement [3] for details of the TOPLAS scheme whereby papers submitted to TOPLAS can be presented at selected conferences. Authors interested in this route should submit their paper to TOPLAS via its usual submission system and mark it as an ECOOP 2021 submission. The ECOOP Program Chair will then be informed of this submission and will have some input into the review process. Submission deadline: October 13, 2020 Science of Computer Programming route ----------------------------------------------------------- Further details on Science of Computer Programming submissions will be available shortly. Submission deadline: November 2, 2020 More Information ================ For additional information, please visit the ECOOP’21 website [4] or contact the ECOOP Program Chair, Manu Sridharan [5]. [1] https://submission.dagstuhl.de/documentation/authors [2] https://2021.ecoop.org/track/ecoop-2021-ecoop-research-papers#FAQ-on-Double-Blind-Reviewing [3] https://toplas.acm.org/announcements.cfm#submit-a-paper-for-pldi-2016 [4] https://2021.ecoop.org/track/ecoop-2021-ecoop-research-papers#Call-for-Papers [5] manu[at]sridharan[dot]net |