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EDBT 2021 : 24th International Conference on Extending Database Technology


Conference Series : Extending Database Technology
When Mar 23, 2021 - Mar 26, 2021
Where Nicosia, Cyprus
Abstract Registration Due Oct 2, 2020
Submission Deadline Oct 9, 2020
Notification Due Nov 15, 2020
Final Version Due Feb 8, 2021
Categories    database

Call For Papers

The International Conference on Extending Database Technology (EDBT) is a leading international forum for database researchers, developers, and users to present and discuss cutting-edge ideas, and to exchange techniques, tools, and experiences related to data management. Data management is an essential enabling technology for scientific, business, and social communities. Data management technology is driven by the requirements of applications across many scientific, business and social communities, and runs on diverse technical platforms associated with the web, enterprises, clouds and mobile devices. The database community has a continuing tradition of contributing with models, algorithms and architectures to the set of tools and applications that enable day-to-day functioning of our societies. Faced with the broad challenges of today’s applications, data management technology constantly broadens its reach, exploiting new hardware and software to achieve innovative results.

[Hybrid Conference, Green Conference, Contingency Planning] EDBT 2021 will be held in Nicosia, Cyprus, from March 23rd to March 26th. It will be a hybrid event. Authors will have to physically participate and present their works to fellow participants in the traditional conference manner. However, online participation will also be possible. The presented material will become available online, either as a live stream, and/or as other forms of media for offline viewing. During the conference, online participants will have the opportunity to engage in discussions with the conference physical participants or those others online. The organizers are committed to provide open access to proceedings and paper presentation videos to the whole community. Additionally, the conference organizers are committed to promote a green organization. In the case of unforeseen events that may deem impossible the physical implementation of the conference, the activities will take place in a purely online manner.

The conference invites submissions of original research contributions related to all aspects of data management, particularly those of emerging interest in the data management research and development communities. A list of related themes and topics is provided below mainly as an indicator of the kind of papers expected and is by no means exhaustive.
Topics of Interest

We welcome papers on topics including, but not limited to:

Availability, reliability, and scalability
Big data storage, processing and transformation
Complex event processing and data streams
Concurrency control
Recovery, & transaction management
Data management in clouds
Data mining and knowledge discovery
Data quality, curation, and provenance
Data warehousing
Large-scale analytics and ETL tools
Emerging hardware and in-memory databases
Experiments and analyses
Graph databases and semantic web
Heterogeneous databases, data integration
Middleware and workflow management
Parallel, distributed and grid data management
Privacy, trust and security in databases
Query processing and optimization
Scientific and statistical databases
Semi-structured and linked data management
Sensor and mobile data management
Social networks and crowdsourcing
Spatial, temporal, and geographic databases
Text databases and information retrieval
Tuning & monitoring
Benchmarking and performance evaluation
User interfaces and data visualization

Related Resources

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