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AFFINE 2011 : 4th International Workshop on Affective Interaction in Natural Environments @ ICMI 2011


When Nov 17, 2011 - Nov 17, 2011
Where Alicante, Spain
Submission Deadline Aug 19, 2011
Notification Due Sep 19, 2011
Final Version Due Oct 10, 2011
Categories    affective computing   interaction   games

Call For Papers

Computer gaming has been acknowledged as one of the computing disciplines which proposes new interaction paradigms, utilizing high-performance, yet lightweight and mobile devices and wireless controllers to take into account the individual affective expressivity of each player and the possibility to exploit social networking infrastructure. As a result, new gaming experiences are now possible, maximizing users’ skill level, while also maintaining their interest to the challenges in the same, resulting in a state which psychologists call flow: "a state of concentration or complete absorption with the activity at hand and the situation". The result of this amalgamation of gaming, affective and social computing has brought increased interest in the field in terms of interdisciplinary research.

Natural interaction plays an important role in this process, allowing players to control games with the same means they employ in everyday human-human interaction: hand gestures, facial expressions and head nods, body stance and speech. These means of interaction are now easy to capture, thanks to low-cost visual, audio and physiological signal sensors, while models from psychology, theory of mind and ergonomics can be put to use to map features from those modalities to higher-level concepts, such as desires, intentions and player satisfaction. Computer gaming can also generate a new breed of multimodal data, where researchers can map prominent affective expressions (e.g. facial signs of frustration) to specific events in the game (large number of enemies or obstacles close to the player) and infer additional user states such as engagement and immersion. Individual and prototypical user models can be built based on that information, producing affective and immersive experiences which maintain the state of "flow". This workshop will cover real-time and off-line computational techniques for the recognition and interpretation of multimodal verbal and non-verbal activity and
behaviour, modelling and evolution of player and interaction contexts, and synthesis of believable behaviour and task objectives for non-player characters in games and human-robot interaction.

The workshop also welcomes studies that provide insight into the use of gaming to capture multimodal, affective databases, low-cost sensors to capture user expressivity beyond the visual and speech modalities and concepts from collective intelligence and group modelling to support multi-party interaction.

- Multimodal affect and behaviour recognition, including:
--- Facial expressions
--- Body language
--- Speech
--- Physiological
--- Other modalities
- Affect and behaviour generation in non-player characters, including:
--- Gaze/engagement
--- Gestures/Body stance
--- Facial expressions
--- Speech
--- Other modalities
- Higher-level concepts in gaming
--- NPC Tasks, objectives and adaptation
--- User engagement, attention and satisfaction
--- Maximising user engagement
--- Affective and behavioural states in gaming
--- Social context awareness and adaptation
- Modality replacement for gaming across devices
--- Mapping hand to touch gestures
--- Extracting expressivity and affect on mobile devices
--- Low-cost recognition of user actions
- Cognitive and affective "mentalising"
- Natural Human-Robot Interaction (HRI) / Human-Computer Interaction (HCI)
- Game-based corpora (naturally evoked or induced emotion)
- Applications to interactive games, robots and virtual agents

Paper submission: August 19, 2011
Notification of acceptance: September 19, 2011
Final paper (camera-ready) submission: October 10, 2011

Kostas Karpouzis (ICCS-NTUA, Greece) – kkarpou (at)
Ginevra Castellano (Queen Mary University of London, United Kingdom) -
ginevra (at)
Christopher Peters (Coventry University, United Kingdom) -
Christopher.Peters (at)
Louis-Philippe Morency (University of Southern California, USA) -
morency (at)
Laurel Riek (University of Cambridge, United Kingdom) - Laurel.Riek (at)
Georgios Yannakakis (IT University, Denmark) - yannakakis (at)

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