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Artificial Intelligence at the Edge 2021 : High Performance Computing and Artificial Intelligence at the Edge


When N/A
Where N/A
Abstract Registration Due Dec 17, 2021
Submission Deadline Jan 28, 2022
Categories    artificial intelligence   machine learning   internet of things   edge computing

Call For Papers

High Performance Computing and Artificial Intelligence at the Edge
The convergence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Internet of Things (IoT) is one of the driving forces of the Digital Transformation of our society as shown by the increasing role of AI algorithms and tools to create value from the huge amounts of data collected by IoT devices and sensors.

In the past two decades data processing took place in supercomputing centers and in the cloud. The advent of 5G, with the consequent increase in volume and data speed, and the growing diffusion of neural accelerators is somehow inverting the trend, pushing computing power close to data sources. This is due to the increasing need to build smarter real-time applications for manufacturing, energy, automotive, aerospace, logistics, smart cities, healthcare, and computational sciences.

This trend is well supported at the hardware level - i.e. the new generation of powerful, less power-hungry System-on-a-Chip (SoC) devices - but not at the software level.

Addressing present and future challenges requires considerable efforts in code modernization (e.g. compliances with microservices architectures, integration of different types of AI algorithms, libraries and tools, deployment on different types of platforms such as GPU, NPU, etc) scaling the performance of the software running closer to data sources and enabling code migration between nodes operating on different architectures.

The special issue aims to publish high quality papers presenting new research and applications in this area.

Find out more and submit your abstract here:

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