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ECQM 2023 : QuMatrix-KIE European International Conference on Quantum Computing


When Jul 24, 2023 - Jul 27, 2023
Where Madrid, Spain
Abstract Registration Due Jun 30, 2023
Submission Deadline Jun 5, 2023
Notification Due May 30, 2023
Final Version Due Jun 5, 2023
Categories    quantum computing   AI   classical computing   machine learning

Call For Papers

Conference Theme: 'Quantum Computing AI Algorithms'

Papers are invited on any of the following tracks:
1. Quantum Computing (including Entanglement and Quantum Error Correction)
2. Quantum Technology, Innovation & Enterprise (including Quantum Sensing)
3. Quantum Information Science
4. Quantum Advantage & Challenges of Optimization
5. Quantum Big Data Analytics

Enterprise Innovation Roundtable – a panel discussion
Topic: ‘Quantum Big Data Analytics from the Enterprise Perspectives’

Classes and Conference Participants are especially invited to join this roundtable and discussion panel. Get in touch if you would like to be a panelist or keynote at the Roundtable.

Also in-filled into the conference
Quantum Classes – online or in-person:
1. Introduction to Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Computing
2. Advanced Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Computing
2. Quantum Computing for Practitioners

Note: Only 15 persons per class (You must reserve/ book your space early – oj08{at}


'Quantum computing and its impact on how we conduct business & research'

Our future may see us living on Mars, paying for everything with crypto currency, and relaxing or working as we travel in our driverless cars. But there is an even bigger transformation coming our way and that is the gradual arrival of quantum computing and the potential impact it will have on our ways we conduct research as well as business.

People in the tech industry are used to hearing hints about quantum computing, because the effects quantum has or will have when it is delivered at scale will be massive. At the same time, some businesses tend to put quantum into the same folder as fusion energy, a technology with huge potential but always like 5 years away from being really available.

The reality though is that quantum computing is actually here in the real world, in 2022, granted, on a (qubit) smaller scale, but it is available from giants such as IBM, Google, Microsoft, or Amazon as well as from startups like Rigetti, Xanadu, or Qilimanjaro. Ecosystems are available from companies like Strangeworks, and actual AI quantum applications are developed today by startups like QuMatrix!

So how does an actual quantum computer look like in 2023? Well, the actual implementation various from company to company. A big part of this conference focuses on discussing the status quo of quantum computing (and quantum physics) and introduces and elaborates on some of the applications that already benefit from quantum technologies in industries such as chemistry, drug research, automotive, robotics, climate change research, weather forecast, finance, oil&gas, or high energy physics. In the context of what the world just experienced with Covet, quantum computing is the differentiator that allows analyzing viruses at a level that just cannot be matched even by today’s largest supercomputers.

Related Resources

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