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RGFB 2021 : Re-Imagining Global Fashion Business: New Models, Values and Ideas


When Jul 22, 2021 - Jul 23, 2021
Where London/Online
Submission Deadline Apr 30, 2021
Categories    fashion   business   interdisciplinary   marketing

Call For Papers

Re-Imagining Global Fashion Business: New Models, Values and Ideas

An Interdisciplinary Conference (Online) at Coventry University London, London, UK
In association with the Fashion Research Network

Thursday 22nd-Friday 23rd July 2021

Dr Patsy Perry, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK
Dr Marco Pedroni, University of Ferrara, Italy
Dr Socrates Karidis, Coventry University London, UK

Fashion is the world’s second largest industry, a large-scale global employer encompassing agriculture, manufacturing, artisanal craftmanship, design, logistics and retail. Publicly considered and promoted as glamorously effortless, behind-the-scenes a large amount of preparation, planning and forecasting is made to engage global fashion consumers in the processes and culture of fashion driving desire and consumption. Increasingly, fashion is a global business sector, which is having to come up with answers and solutions for a range of challenges and opportunities; sometimes planned, sometimes spontaneously, often at a company rather than sector level. Yet is now the time to think, and act, more strategically? Are these now more a hindrance than a help to serving the needs and desires of fashion’s consumers? What are the drivers behind fashion’s challenges and opportunities? Does there need to be a full re-think of the processes and systems, which support the fashion sector? What new business models need to be evolved? What role does technology and sustainability play within this? Who are the new leaders and mentors to guide us in this?

Scholars and fashion business innovators are invited to submit applications for a 15-minute paper on the following key themes of the conference:

• New Fashion Retail Business Models and Strategies
• Modern Approaches to Fashion Marketing and Branding
• Local and Global Perspectives on Disrupting the Fashion Consumer
• Innovations in Fashion Technology and Digital
• Contemporary Innovations in Sustainability, Value Streams and the Circular Economy
• Culture, History and Artisanship in the Context of Global Fashion Business
• Leadership, Diversity and the Role of Mentors in Global Fashion Business Innovation

We invite proposals for 15-minute papers on the themes outlined here. Paper proposals should contain a short biography (max 60 words), extended abstract (max 1000 words) and up to 5 key words with full contact details including the email address(es) of the speaker(s). Entries should be emailed as a Word.doc file to the conference organisers Nathaniel Dafydd Beard ( and Ranjit Thind ( by Friday 30th April 2021.

Additional Information:
No fee will be payable by speakers whose extended abstract submission is successful. This conference will be held online. Please note no bursary or monetary support can be offered for travel or other expenses. A letter of support in order to facilitate funding applications via your own academic and/or commercial organisation can be provided on request to the conference organisers.

Conference proceedings may be audio recorded and/or filmed and speakers will likely be asked to contribute to social media promotion and/or be interviewed in the run-up to the conference.

Conference organisers will be working with a reputable academic publisher to develop a publication based on the papers and conference proceedings. All accepted papers will be considered for potential publication.

Conference Website:

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