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CHADI 2021 : Congress on the History of Archives, Documents and Information


When Jul 22, 2021 - Jul 23, 2021
Where Canary Islands (Spain) / Online
Submission Deadline May 1, 2021
Notification Due May 10, 2021
Categories    archivistic   literacy   written culture

Call For Papers

Places (online or Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain).
Languages: submissions will be accepted in French, English, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish.
Call for papers opening date: February 1st, 2021.
Call for papers deadline: May 1st, 2020, but early proposals are welcome.
Form to propose papers (summary of 300-500 words, plus other indications): see the PDF here, or the .doc here. Once completed, send to or

How to register: if your paper has been accepted, you may proceed to register, paying the fees (38 euros). If you are unemployed, please remember to attach an official document to get a discount (28 euros).
Presentations length: max. 20 minutes, in successive sessions (not parallel), plus 5 minutes of debate.
We will try to publish the written version of the papers in a double-blind peer reviewed monograph. Hopefully, at the end of the congress we will provide guidelines, requesting texts from those who wish to try to publish it.
See the poster here:

General conference topics

In summary, the international Congress on the History of Archives, Documents and Information (CHADI) aims to explore a number of aspects of how texts and information were generated, transmitted, disseminated and preserved in the past.

CHADI wants to study the History of the archives and their document collections from very different points of view. We also aim to analyze diverse aspects of other texts and documents–whether they were archived or not–researching from the creation of a document, its use, generation and preservation, to the transmission of memory, the dissemination of the information, as it was not found or spread through written texts alone. Information and memory did not remain exclusively in the archive, nor were they transmitted solely through the written medium, nor were they merely static materials in the form of dusty documents in a chest. It should also be remembered that outside of the archive there were numerous scattered documents (a good example would be an announcement or proclamation). Studying these as a whole, among which many data might be found to dialogue and complement each other, will illuminate another vision that will further detail the social role played by using, transmitting, preserving and disseminating the oral and written information in the past.

Starting from this basis, we invite you to submit proposals in any of the aforementioned areas, or others that refer them directly or indirectly. All approaches are welcome, ranging from the most classic and descriptive in the history of document and book conservation, to the most innovative and interdisciplinary.

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