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Disinformation - Cybersecurity Risks 2021 : Special Track in Disinformation - Cybersecurity Risks and Responses


When Sep 9, 2021 - Sep 11, 2021
Where Rome
Submission Deadline May 1, 2021
Notification Due Jun 22, 2021
Final Version Due Jul 10, 2021
Categories    security   cyberscurity   disinformation

Call For Papers

Experts from different domains agree that focusing on security is a social responsibility. Every actor in society from private citizens to companies and governments should do their part to protect IT infrastructures and data for the benefit of all.

In particular disinformation through Social Media is still an emerging frontier for cyber security.

Social Media are deemed to have a huge role in the spread of misinformation.

This has proven to have a huge impact across multiple domains in everyday life and are increasingly recognized as a threat to national security, democracy, collective cohesion and individuals’ freedom.

The spread of fake news, the possibility of losing sensitive information, the scant knowledge of the average citizen about what companies and states can do with their data for surveillance purposes is a trending, but under-investigated, topic.

As an interdisciplinary community, we believe that new alliances and partnerships must emerge among the three main actors on the ground: citizens, industry and government . Policy makers need to recognize cyberattacks as a national security risk, introducing a cybersecurity risk in policy design. In order to actively support research and knowledge exchange on topics involving the malicious effects derived from disinformation through social media, the organizers of this special session encourage contributions that: model or evaluate the security technical concerns involving media control, censorship, news filters; highlight the relationship between technology and the general public and how to increase the awareness that cyberattacks do not happen only to state and companies, but to single individual (through more subtle ways to steal and abuse data).

Authors are solicited to submit original, previously unpublished papers in the following, but not limited to, topic areas:

Vulnerabilities / Zero Day Exploits


Cyber Peace



Data quality

Data provenance



Fake News

Social Media Bots

Bot Detection

Sentiment Analysis

Societal challenges to the development of cybersecurity technicalities, e.g. increasing

Awareness, trust in technologies

Cybersecurity potentials for social good

Guidelines to design cybersecurity public policies

Data Sovereignty

Deadlines and Important Dates:

May 1st 2021 - Paper Submission Deadline

June 22nd 2021 - Notification of Acceptance

July 10th 2021 - Camera Ready Submission Deadline

Papers should be submitted via the HotCRP submission website (

Related Resources

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ESORICS 2025   European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (round 2)
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OSNEM-DTHOSN 2025   Elsevier Online Social Networks and Media Journal Special issue on Disinformation, toxicity, harms in Online Social Networks and Media
IEEE CSR 2025   2025 IEEE International Conference on Cyber Security and Resilience
SECRYPT 2025   22nd International Conference on Security and Cryptography