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2017 2018 : CFP : Special Issue on Parallel Computing in Modelling and Simulation on JPDC


When Sep 15, 2017 - Mar 1, 2018
Where World
Submission Deadline TBD
Categories    HPC   parallel computing   maodelling   simulation

Call For Papers

(Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing)


Model development for the simulation of the evolution of artificial and natural systems is essential for the advancement of Science. Recently, the increasing power of computers has allowed to considerably extend the application of parallel computing methodologies in research and industry, but also to the quantitative study of complex phenomena. This has permitted a broad application of numerical methods for differential equation systems (e.g., FEM, FDM, etc.) on one hand, and the application of alternative computational paradigms, such as Cellular Automata, Genetic Algorithms, Neural networks, Swarm Intelligence, etc., on the other. These latter have demonstrated their effectiveness for modelling purposes when traditional simulation methodologies have proven to be impracticable.

This Special issue aims to provide a platform for a multidisciplinary community composed of scholars, researchers, developers, educators, practitioners and experts from world leading Universities, Institutions, Agencies and Companies in Computational Science, and thus in the Parallel Computing for Modelling and Simulation field. The intent is to offer an opportunity to express and confront views on trends, challenges, and state-of-the art in diverse application fields, such as engineering, physics, chemistry, biology, geology, medicine, ecology, sociology, traffic control, economy, etc.


Tentative authors are invited to submit original unpublished works on topics from a wide range of parallel computing methods, including but not limited to the following:

* Parallel algorithms for modelling and simulation
* High-performance computing in computational science: intra-disciplinary and multi-disciplinary research applications
* Complex systems modelling and simulation
* Cellular Automata, Genetic Algorithms, Neural networks, Swarm Intelligence implementations
* Integrated approach to optimization and simulation
* MPI, OpenMP, GPGPU applications in Computational Science
* Optimization algorithms, modelling techniques related to optimization in Computational Science
* Software developed to solve science (e.g.,biological, physical, and social), engineering, medicine, and humanities problems
* Hardware approaches of parallel computing in modelling and simulation


Submission: 15th September 2017
First Notification: 1st December 2017
Revision Submission: 15th January 2018
Second Notification: 1st March 2018
Final version Submission: 1st April 2018


Regarding the paper submission, we expect that papers submitted to this special issue for possible publication must be original and must not be under consideration for publication in any other journal or conference. Previously published or accepted conference/workshop papers must contain at least 40%-50% new material to be considered for the special issue. All papers are to be submitted by referring to During submission please select paper type “VSI:ParCompModelSimu” under Manuscript Category. All manuscripts must be prepared according to the journal publication guidelines which can also be found on the website provided above. Papers will be reviewed following the journal standard review process.


William Spataro (University of Calabria, IT)
Giuseppe A. Trunfio (University of Sassari, IT)
Georgios Ch. Sirakoulis (Democritus University of Thrace, GR)

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