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ICoBio-PBI Congress 2021 : The 4th International Conference on Biosciences (ICoBio) and The 17th National Congress of Indonesian Biological Society (PBI) 2021​


When Aug 11, 2021 - Aug 12, 2021
Where Online/Virtual
Abstract Registration Due Jun 7, 2021
Submission Deadline Jul 19, 2021
Categories    biosciences   biology   biotechnology   bioprospection

Call For Papers

As part of the global scientific communities, Department of Biology, IPB University, Indonesia, facilitates researcher, practitioners, students, academicians related to the field of biosciences worldwide to gather and share information, ideas, knowledge, and research results on the 4th International Conference on Biosciences (ICoBio), held on 11th-12th August 2021.This year, ICoBio will be held as an online seminar with the main theme of "Bioscience Innovations for Sustainable Development Goals", which will serve a fruitful atmosphere of scientific meeting that represents our best efforts in facing today's challenging issues.

Participants with paper are requested to send the abstract at latest on 7 June 2021. The author shall certify that the abstract submitted to the committee has not been published or presented elsewhere.


1. Biodiversity, Conservation Biology, Climate Change

2. Bioprospecting, Health Issues, and Industrial Biology

3. Omics, Bioinformatics, and Computational Biology

4. Techno-biology and Bioengineering

5. Smart and Sustainable Agro-maritime

Type of Presentation : Oral Presentation

Paper will mainly be published in: IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (Scopus Indexed Proceeding)
Selected paper will be published in :
1. HAYATI Journal of Biosciences (Scopus, Q2 in Agricultural and Biological Sciences)

2. Microbiology Indonesia (Sinta 1)

3. Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian Indonesia (JIPI) (Sinta 2)

4. Jurnal Biologi Indonesia (Sinta 3)

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