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ISSRE 2021 : The 32nd International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering - Industry Track (ISSRE-IT)


When Oct 25, 2021 - Oct 28, 2021
Where Wuhan,China and virtual
Submission Deadline Jun 21, 2021
Notification Due Jul 26, 2021
Categories    reliability   security   software   software engineering

Call For Papers

Call for Papers - Industry Track - ISSRE 2021


===== The 32nd International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering (ISSRE 2021) =====

====== October Oct 25-28, 2021 - - - - -Wuhan, China and virtual - - - - - ======


== Goal ==

The objective of the Industry Track program is to establish an efficient dialogue between software practitioners and software engineering researchers concerning the challenges, findings (both positive and negative), encountered obstacles, and lessons learned related to software reliability. Of particular interest is information on applying novel software development, verification and validation practices in diverse lifecycle styles, industry sectors, and software types.

== We aim to encourage wide industry participation ==

In recent years, the ISSRE industry program has expanded and has covered a wide range of topics, including cloud computing, agile development, mobile communications, defect prediction/detection/fixing, release management, defect classification, rejuvenation, security, customer experience/satisfaction, availability, social network analysis, big data analysis, and specific reliability concerns of the transportation, aviation, healthcare, telecomm, and other industry sectors.

Industry Track papers will address the application of software engineering practices (which may include work on principles, techniques, tools, methods, processes) to a specific domain or to the development of a substantial software system. We expect Industry Track papers to be of interest to software development professionals, as well as to software reliability and software quality and process improvement groups with concrete relation to industrial problems and applications.

== Topics of Interest ==

Topics of interest include development, analysis methods and models throughout the software development lifecycle, and are not limited to:
* Primary dependability attributes (i.e., security, safety, maintainability) impacting software reliability
* Secondary dependability attributes (i.e., survivability, resilience, robustness) impacting software reliability
* Reliability threats, i.e. faults (defects, bugs, etc.), errors, failures
* Reliability means (fault prevention, fault removal, fault tolerance, fault forecasting)
* Metrics, measurements and threat estimation for reliability prediction and the interplay with safety/security
* Reliability of software services
* Reliability of open source software
* Reliability of Software as a Service (SaaS)
* Reliability of software dealing with Big Data
* Reliability of model-based and auto-generated software
* Reliability of software in artificial intelligence based software systems
* Reliability of software within specific types of systems (e.g., autonomous and adaptive, green and sustainable, mobile systems)
* Reliability of software within specific technological spaces (e.g., Internet of Things, Cloud, Semantic Web/Web 3.0, Virtualization, Blockchain)
* Normative/regulatory/ethical spaces pertaining to software reliability
* Societal aspects of software reliability

This year’s edition of ISSRE Industry track will feature the following exciting news:

Best paper Awards

This year ISSRE will include two best paper awards given in the main Industry Track.

Best Practice Paper Award

This category will award the best among the full papers accepted to appear to the ISSRE 2021 Industry Track. Candidates to these awards are all full papers accepted to the Industry Track, presenting novel ideas and related results.

Best Disruptive Paper Award

This category will award the most disruptive idea accepted to appear to the ISSRE 2021 Industry Track. ALL papers (short, and regular papers) accepted to the Industry Track are eligible. Candidates to this award are those papers describing and motivating wild, novel and disruptive ideas that will address problems afflicting industry.

A special industry committee including specialists of different areas will propose 2 to 3 candidates for each award. The final selection will be done by the audience attending the presentation of the candidate papers.

== Submission guidelines and instructions ==

There are two different alternatives for ISSRE Industry Track submissions:

* Full paper submission consisting of 6 pages (including references).
* Short paper submission consisting of 2 pages (including references).
All the submissions will be reviewed by members of the Industry Track Program Committee. Accepted papers will be included in the ISSRE Supplemental Proceedings and submitted for publication to IEEE Xplore.

Papers must be written in English, and be formatted according to the IEEE Computer Society Format Guidelines. A paper has to include the title, the name and affiliation of each author, an abstract of up to 150 words, and up to 4 keywords. Papers that exceed the page limits specified, or are outside the scope of the symposium, or do not follow the formatting guidelines will be rejected without review.

Authors of accepted papers will have the chance to introduce their work at the ISSRE 2021 conference. Submission implies the willingness of at least one of the authors to register to the conference and to give the talk, if the paper is accepted.

== Important dates ==

* Papers submission deadline:June 21st, 2021
* Notification to authors:July 26th, 2021
* Camera ready papers:August 13th, 2021

== Industry PC Chairs ==

* Valerio Formicola, Siemens
* Chunhui Yang, CEPREI
* Guangtai Liang, Huawei

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