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HPC Asia 2022 : International Conference on High Performance Computing in Asia‐Pacific Region | |||||||||||||||
Link: http://sighpc.ipsj.or.jp/HPCAsia2022/ | |||||||||||||||
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Call For Papers | |||||||||||||||
CALL FOR PAPERS: International Conference on High Performance Computing in Asia‐Pacific Region (HPC Asia 2022) Kobe, Japan & Online, January 12-14, 2022 http://sighpc.ipsj.or.jp/HPCAsia2022/ ================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NEW ACM Templates (August 6, 2021): ACM is changing the archive format of its publications to separate content from presentation in the new Digital Library, enhance accessibility, and improve the flexibility and resiliency of our publications. This approach requires a new workflow that utilizes a simplified “review” format and a “final submission” format. The “final submission” is submitted to ACM's new production platform where authors will be able review PDF and HTML output formats before publication. (For more details: https://www.acm.org/publications/taps/word-template-workflow). More information about the motivation behind this change and how we prepare publications can be found at https://www.acm.org/articles/pubs-newsletter/2019/blue-diamond-mar-2019#3. HPC Asia 2022 publishes papers in ACM proceedings and follows this new ACM format. All authors should submit manuscripts for review in the new single column format. We increased the page limit accordingly. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- High performance computing (HPC) is a key technology to solve large problems in science, engineering, and business by utilizing computing power that has been continuously evolving. The International Conference on High Performance Computing in Asia-Pacific Region (HPC Asia) is an international conference series in the Asia Pacific region on HPC technologies, fostering exchange of ideas, research results and case studies related to all issues of high performance computing. The 5th edition, HPC Asia 2022 will be held with the motto "Stepping forward to the Post Moore Era together." Although we are now entering the Exascale era, the Post Moore era will soon follow, and HPC Asia 2022 will provide a unique opportunity to discuss the challenges towards the Post Moore era. In addition, we need to pay close attention to the integration of HPC and AI: while the "convergence" of HPC and AI has been broadly discussed, the intensive "integration" of those will be essential towards computing in the Post Moore era. == Important Covid-19 notice == The conference will be held in “hybrid” or “full online” style, and the final decision will be made in early October 2021. == Important Dates (AoE) == (We welcome new abstract submissions until the paper submission deadline. Please submit abstracts and papers together via the same LinkLings submission form by the deadline) Abstract submissions due: (Extended) August 31, 2021 Paper submissions due: (Extended) August 31, 2021 Notification of Acceptance: October 14, 2021 Camera-ready papers due: November 1, 2021 == Scope and Topics == High performance computing is a key technology to solve large problems in science, engineering, and business by utilizing continuously evolving computing power. HPCAsia, which is an international conference series on HPC technologies in the Asia Pacific region, has been held several times in various countries in Asia, to discuss issues in HPC and to exchange information on research and development results. Following the success of the past HPC Asia conferences, HPCAsia2022 seeks to nurture an exchange of ideas, case studies, and research results related to all issues of HPC. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: -- Applications and Algorithms -- High performance applications (high speed, low memory, low power simulations) Computational science Numerical linear algebra and its applications High performance library and software framework for applications Parallel and vectorization algorithms Hybrid/heterogeneous/accelerated algorithms Fault-tolerant algorithms Graph algorithms -- Programming Models and Systems Software -- Programming languages and compilation techniques Tools and libraries for performance and productivity Performance portability System management, resource management and scheduler Optimization for communication and memory Techniques for testing, debugging, reproducibility and determinism Techniques for fault tolerance and energy efficiency -- Data, Storage and Visualization -- Big data processing with emerging hardware Parallel and distributed file systems Storage networks Storage systems Visualization and image processing Reliability and fault tolerance Scalable data management Transaction processing Integration of non-volatile memory I/O performance tuning, benchmarking and evaluation Provenance Experience and application studies on large-scale storage architectures -- Architectures and Networks -- Memory architectures Interconnect/Network architectures Acceleration technologies (e.g., GPUs, FPGAs) Power/Energy-aware high-performance computing Dependable high-performance computing Architectures for emerging device technologies == Track Chairs == Application & Algorithms Rio Yokota (Tokyo Institute of Technology (Titech)) Christophe Calvin (French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA)) Tetsuya Sakurai (University of Tsukuba) Programming Models & System Software Rajeev Thakur (Argonne National Laboratory (ANL)) Barbara Chapman (Stony Brook University) Data, Storage & Visualization Gabriel Antoniu (INRIA) Bodgan Nicolae (Argonne National Laboratory (ANL)) Architecture & Networks Mariam Kiran (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL)) Eishi Arima (Technical University of Munich (TUM)) == Paper Submission == Authors are invited to submit technical papers of at most 18 pages in PDF format including figures and references, formatted according to the ACM Proceedings Style (http://www.acm.org/publications/proceedings-template) and submitted through Linklings (https://ssl.linklings.net/conferences/HPCAsia/). Submitted papers must contain original work that has not appeared in and is not under consideration for another conference or journal. The review process is single-blind. There will be no revision/rebuttal stage. All authors should submit manuscripts for review in a single column format. Please follow STEP 1 (Microsoft Word/LaTeX) at "2. The Workflow and Templates" in https://www.acm.org/publications/taps/word-template-workflow ACM templates - Microsoft Word: https://www.acm.org/binaries/content/assets/publications/taps/acm_submission_template.docx - LaTeX: https://www.acm.org/binaries/content/assets/publications/consolidated-tex-template/acmart-primary.zip (use a "manuscript" format option (Please refer to sample/sample-manuscript.tex)) == Proceedings == All accepted papers will be published by ACM, and included in ACM digital library if presented at the conference. == Organizing Committee == General Chair: Kengo Nakajima (University of Tokyo / RIKEN Center for Computational Science (R-CCS)) General Vice-Chair: Miwako Tsuji (RIKEN Center for Computational Science (R-CCS)) Program Co-Chair: Osni Marques (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL)) Program Co-Chair: Kento Sato (RIKEN Center for Computational Science (R-CCS)) Local Arrangement Co-Chair: Hitoshi Murai (RIKEN Center for Computational Science (R-CCS)) Local Arrangement Co-Chair: Hideyuki Usui (Kobe University) PC Deputy-Chair: Tetsuya Hoshino (University of Tokyo) Proceedings Chair: Daisuke Takahashi (University of Tsukuba) WS Chair: Masashi Horikoshi (Intel Corporation) Poster Chair: Takeshi Fukaya (Hokkaido University) Exhibition Co-Chair: Shinji Sumimoto (Fujitsu Limited) Exhibition Co-Chair: Takaaki Miyajima (Meiji University) Finance Chair: Atsuko Takefusa (National Institute of Informatics (NII)) Publicity Chair: Daichi Mukunoki (RIKEN Center for Computational Science (R-CCS)) Liaison/IPSJ HPC: Takeshi Iwashita (Hokkaido University) Liaison/Steering Committee: Taisuke Boku (University of Tsukuba) Digital Chair: Ryohei Kobayashi (University of Tsukuba) == Steering Committee == Chair: Taisuke Boku (University of Tsukuba) Takeshi Iwasita (Hokkaido University) Satoshi Matsuoka (RIKEN Center for Computational Science (R-CCS)) Hiroshi Nakashima (University of Kyoto) Mitsuhisa Sato (RIKEN Center for Computational Science (R-CCS) / University of Tsukuba) David Abramson (University of Queensland) Pavan Balaji (Facebook, Inc.) Wuchun Feng (Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Virginia Tech)) Soonwook Hwang (Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information (KISTI)) Jaejin Lee (Seoul National University (SNU)) Fang Pang Lin (National Center for High-performance Computing (NCHC)) Serge Petiton (Maison de la Simulation (MDLS) Yutong Lu (National Supercomputing Center in Guangzhou (GZSC)) Bernd Mohr (Jülich Supercomputing Centre (JSC)) Depei Qian (Beihang University) Putchong Uthayopass (Kasetsart University) Jeffrey Vetter (Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL)) == Contact == hpcasia2022pc@cspp.cc.u-tokyo.ac.jp (about CfP) hpcasia2022@sighpc.ipsj.or.jp (general information) ===================================== Call for Posters The International Conference on High Performance Computing in Asia-Pacific Region (HPC Asia 2022) Jan 12-14, 2022, Online https://sighpc.ipsj.or.jp/HPCAsia2022/ ===================================== [Important Dates] - 1-page extended abstract submission due: Nov 30, 2021 (AoE) - Notification of acceptance: Dec 3, 2021 (AoE) - Poster draft due: Dec 23, 2021 (AoE) - Conference: Jan 12-14, 2022 (JST) [Topics of Interest] Papers are solicited in following areas of HPC, but not limited to: - Applications and Algorithms - Programming Models and Systems Software - Data, Storage and Visualization - Architectures and Networks [Online Poster Presentation Format (Tentative)] - The PDF file of 1-page extended abstract of each accepted submission will be uploaded to the conference website but NOT included in the conference proceedings that will be published by ACM. The PDF file of each poster will be also uploaded to the conference website. - Poster blitz session is planned, in which each poster presenter will be given an opportunity to make a brief oral presentation for introducing their poster. - Poster session core time using online meeting system is planned, in which each poster presenter and participates can interactively discuss their poster. - Offline discussion space on Slack will be provided. - Student poster presentation award is planned: for the details please see the conference web page. [Submission] Please see the web page of poster submission: https://sighpc.ipsj.or.jp/HPCAsia2022/#callforposters [Contact] - Poster Chair: Takeshi Fukaya (Hokkaido University) - E-mail: hpcasia2022 [at] sighpc.ipsj.or.jp |