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AI-HCI Workshop 2024 : How do AI and LLMs change our lives? Reflections and outlook


When Jun 30, 2024 - Jun 30, 2024
Where Washington DC & Online
Submission Deadline Mar 15, 2024
Notification Due Mar 22, 2024
Categories    artificial ingelligence   large language models   AI   LLM

Call For Papers

As a result of the latest developments in Generative Artificial Intelligence and Large Language Models applications, like ChatGPT and Bard, millions of people started using them. Even more people are interested in using them. These are people from all walks of life, including students, academics, engineers, lawyers, designers, writers, media experts, programmers, politicians, artists, and private citizens across the globe.

The purpose of this workshop is to bring together, for knowledge sharing, practitioners, researchers, and scholars in the field of AI, Natural Language Processing, and HCI. The focus of the workshop will be to elaborate on the impact of Large Language Models on our lives, exploring the multifaceted implications of these technologies on daily activities, the industry, academia, and society as a whole.

Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
- Human-AI Interaction: Insights on using AI and LLMs and findings on user experience and impact
- User Experience Design / User Studies: Research and practice on crafting interactions with AI and LLMs
- Industry / Business Applications: Real-world applications and case studies of AI and LLMs
- Ethical and Societal Implications: Ethical considerations and societal challenges emanating from the widespread use of - AI and LLMs.
- Privacy and Security: Data privacy and security concerns regarding AI and LLMs
- Scientific research: Support of and advancements for LLMs in scientific research.
- Law and Regulations: Legal and regulatory perspectives on the use of LLMs
- Education: Teaching and controlling the use of LLMs / generative AI in education.
- Media Companies: Generative AI and LLMs for the generation of media content.
- Software Engineering: Generation and verification of source code
- Life: The impact of LLMs and generative AI and how they change our lives.

Prospective authors should submit their proposals in PDF format through the HCII Conference Management System (CMS) ( You are welcome to submit your ideas exploring the workshop topics in the form of short papers, research in progress whitepapers, and abstracts.

The contributions to be presented in the context of Workshops will not be automatically included in the Conference proceedings. However, after consultation with the Workshop Organizer(s), authors of accepted workshop proposals that are registered for the conference are welcome to submit, through the HCII Conference Management System (CMS), an extended version of their workshop contribution to be considered, following further peer review, for presentation at the Conference and inclusion in the “Late Breaking Work” conference proceedings, either in the LNCS as a long paper (typically 12 pages, but no less than 10 and no more than 20 pages), or in the CCIS as a short paper (typically 6 pages, but no less than 4 and no more than 11). The submission deadline for the camera-ready papers (long or short) for the “Late Breaking Work” Volumes of the Proceedings is the 24th of May 2024.

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