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ENC 2021 : Track: “Scientific Computation Applied to Geospatial Problems”, Encuentro Nacional de Computación 2021 (ENC 2021)


When Aug 9, 2021 - Aug 11, 2021
Where Morelia, Michoacán, México (online)
Submission Deadline May 31, 2021
Notification Due Jun 21, 2021
Final Version Due Jun 30, 2021
Categories    GIS   geospatial   scientific computing   HPC

Call For Papers

Encuentro Nacional de Computación 2021 (ENC 2021)
August 9-11, 2021
Morelia, Michoacán, México (online)
Track: “Scientific Computation Applied to Geospatial Problems”

Link to the general Call for Papers ENC 2021:
Link to this CfP:


The “Sociedad Mexicana de Ciencia de la Computación A.C.” and the Technical committee invite students, postgraduates, professors, researchers, and professionals interested in submitting scientific papers in any topic related to scientific computing applied to geospatial data and geocomputational problems. The manuscripts will be reviewed and selected by the committee, and the accepted papers will be presented in a virtual session. It will be held in virtual format, in Morelia, Michoacán, México.

Submissions are encouraged to be related to the Topics of interest in the following areas:

- Computational modeling and spatio-temporal prediction applied to social and geospatial problems.
- Software and algorithms for mobility and logistics.
- Scientific computing for environmental and geographical data processing
- Distributed algorithms and methods for geospatial big data.
- Analysis of geospatial complex networks.
- Software and algorithms for high-performance computing. (e.g., parallel computing,
- GPU computing, cluster computing) with geospatial applications.
- Geolocation and geoparsing.
- Machine learning algorithms applied to social science and geospatial problems.
- Remote sensing and Geographic Information Systems.
- Applications for solving socio-territorial problems.


Article submission: 31 May 2021. Please consider that there will not be a deadline extension.

Notification of acceptance: 21 June 2021.

Submission of the final version: 30 June 2021.

Article presentation: 9-11 august 2021.

Author instructions

The articles must be submitted in PDF format using the EasyChair platform.

Links to the IEEE TBD based Templates for ENC2021:

- Word:
- Latex:

The articles should be written in English or Spanish. English is preferred.

The paper title and abstract have to be written in English, and the body of the paper either in English or Spanish. The length is limited to 8 pages using the IEEE templates found at TBD.

The minimum length is 4, and the maximum is eight pages, using the IEEE templates found at TBD.

The article must have a maximum of 7 co-authors.

The accepted articles will be published by default in the ENC 2021 proceedings with ISBN, or in IEEE Xplore, depending on the number of accepted articles.

Further information:

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