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ISEC 2022 : 15th Innovations in Software Engineering Conference


Conference Series : India Software Engineering Conference
When Feb 24, 2022 - Feb 26, 2022
Where DAIICT Gandhinagar, India (HYBRID)
Submission Deadline Sep 24, 2021
Notification Due Dec 3, 2021
Final Version Due Dec 26, 2021
Categories    software engineering   computer science   systems engineering   engineering

Call For Papers

ISEC is the annual conference of iSOFT, the India chapter of ACM SIGSOFT India. The 15th edition of the conference will be held at Dhirubhai Ambani Institute of Information and Communication Technology (DA-IICT), Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India. The goal of the conference is to provide a forum for researchers and practitioners from both academia and industry to meet and share research problems, experiences, and cutting-edge advancements in the field of software and systems engineering.

ISEC 2022 invites the submission of technical papers describing original and unpublished results of foundational, theoretical, empirical, and applied software and systems engineering research. Submissions are invited in all areas of software and systems engineering, including but not limited to the following:

Software Engineering Methods:
Agile Methods
Business Process Design and Deployment
Requirements Engineering
Empirical Software Engineering
Safety-Critical Software
Testing, Verification and Validation
Engineering for Quality Requirements
Human Factors
Mobile and Web Applications
Model Driven Development
Software Product Lines
Self-Adaptive Systems
Software Analytics
System Modeling and Simulation
Program Comprehension and Visualization
End User Development
Software Metrics
System Debugging
Component Based Software Engineering
Security and Privacy
System and Software Architecture

Software Deployment and Operations:
Container Based Software Artifacts
Dynamic Discovery & Version Management
Fault Isolation and Repair
Software Evolution and Maintenance

Software for the Cloud:
Data Obfuscation
Application Driven Resource Allocation
Cross Cloud Deployment
Performance Engineering in the Cloud

Software Engineering Specialisms:
Service Based Technologies
Programming Languages
Mining Software Repositories
Software Engineering Education
Automated Software Engineering
Software Engineering & Machine Learning
Program Synthesis
Software Engineering & AI
Software Engineering and Law
Formal Methods
Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality

Responsible Software Engineering:
Trust, Fairness and Ethics
Green software engineering

Submission Details:
We invite submissions under three categories: Regular papers, short papers and posters.

Regular papers should not exceed 11 pages, 10 pages for the main text (including figures, appendix etc.) and 1 page for references in standard ACM format. Regular paper submissions are expected to contain in-depth descriptions of the new ideas along with a detailed evaluation and sufficient evidence for verifying the results.

Short papers should not exceed 5 pages, including references in standard ACM format. Short papers may contain, for example, new interesting ideas and contributions which may not be evaluated extensively, tool descriptions or case studies. However, the ideas must be robust and of technical merit, with convincing evidence that they can be taken towards completion.

Poster papers should not exceed 2 pages. A poster paper is intended to describe work that is at an early stage in development. Accepted poster papers will be provided with an opportunity to display a poster and to discuss the ideas with delegates during a dedicated session of the conference.

Extended versions of selected papers (to be decided by the program committee) will be invited to a proposed special issue of the Journal of Systems and Software.

We are pleased to announce a Best paper award for regular papers and a Best poster award for poster papers, for ISEC 2022. The awards will be decided based on reviews received by the PC and the ISEC Steering Committee and will be announced during the conference.

We welcome submissions from Industry in the form of experience reports and/or case studies. Such submissions should address the application of software engineering practices (which may include work on principles, techniques, tools, methods, processes) to a specific business domain or to the development of a substantial software platform/system. Each paper should describe the context of a problem of practical importance and
provide plausible solutions.

Submissions must comply with the ACM plagiarism policy and procedures. In particular, it must not have been published elsewhere and must not be under review elsewhere while under review for ISEC.

Accepted papers in all categories will be published in the ACM Digital Library and indexed by DBLP. If a submission is accepted, at least one author of the paper is required to attend the conference and present the paper.

Submission Template:
Submission Link:

Important Dates
Abstract Submission: 24 September 2021, AoE
Full Paper submission: 24 September 2021, AoE
Paper notification: 3 December 2021, AoE
Camera ready due: 26 December 2021, AoE
ISEC 2022 Conference: 24-26 February, 2022

Program Committee Co-Chairs
Meenakshi D'Souza, IIIT Bangalore, India.
Chanchal Roy, University of Saskatchewan, Canada.

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