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UCAmI 2011 : V International Symposium on Ubiquitous Computing and Ambient Intelligence


When Dec 5, 2011 - Dec 9, 2011
Where Riviera Maya, Mexico
Submission Deadline Jun 15, 2011
Notification Due Jul 15, 2011
Final Version Due Sep 1, 2011
Categories    ambient intelligence   ubiquitous computing   ambient assisted living

Call For Papers

The Ubiquitous Computing (UC) idea envisioned by Weiser in 1991, has recently evolved to a more general paradigm known as Ambient Intelligence (AmI). Ambient Intelligence then represents a new generation of user-centred computing environments aiming to find new ways to obtain a better integration of the information technology in everyday life devices and activities.
AmI environments are integrated by several autonomous computational devices of modern life ranging from consumer electronics to mobile phones. Ideally, people in an AmI environment will not notice these devices, but they will benefit from the services they provide them. Such devices are aware of the people present in those environments by reacting to their gestures, actions and context. Recently the interest in Ambient Intelligence Environments has grown considerably due to new challenges posed by society, demanding highly innovative services such as vehicular ad hoc networks (VANET), Ambient Assisted Living (AAL), e-Health, Internet of Things and Home Automation among others.

The main goal of this conference is to provide a discussion forum where researchers and practitioners on Ubiquitous Computing and Ambient Intelligence can meet, disseminate and exchange ideas and problems, identify some of the key issues related to these topics, and explore together possible solutions and future works.

Both academia and industry are invited to submit papers about any of the following topics of interest:

•Integrating lightweight and/or mobile devices in AmI environments (telephones, RFID, consumer electronics, sensors, smart devices, etc.)
•Mobile Ad Hoc Networks support for AmI environments for wireless sensor networks (WSNs), MANETs, VANETs, etc., (architectures, protocols, etc.)
•Sensing location and context awareness (context modelling, adaptation, sentient computing, etc.)
•Human-Centric Interfaces for AmI environments
•Middleware support for AmI and ubiquitous computing environments (WSNs, MANET, VANETs, RFID, etc.)
•Artificial intelligence approaches (agents, affective computing, ontologies, semantic reasoning, etc.)
•Applications for AmI environments (e-learning, e-health, Home Automation, e-payment, ticketing, etc.)
•Specific services for AmI (service discovery, security, data delivery, coordination, etc.)
•Communication and radio technologies (NFC, Bluetooth, etc.)
•Quality attributes in AmI applications (real-time, quality of service, fault-tolerance, etc.).
•Software technologies for AmI (frameworks, components, aspect-orientation, service-orientation, software product line, etc.)

Type of Submission

1. Long Paper. A maximum length of 8 pages. They must consist of original, relevant and previously unpublished sound research results related to any of the topics of the symposium.

2. Short paper. A maximum length of 4 pages (for example, a project report, a summary of a PhD thesis, or work in progress).

3. Doctoral Consortium. PhD students are invited to present the topic and progress of their research, in order to obtain feedback from a panel of experts. A maximum length of 6 pages.

4. Posters. The length of these poster should be 2 pages.

Papers format: IEEE-CS 8,5" x 11" (letter USA), two columns, including an abstract with no more than 130 words.

The IEEE-CS Press format may be downloaded from this


All submissions will be refereed by experts in the field based on originality, significance, quality and clarity. Every submitted paper to UCAmI'11 will be reviewed by three members of the Program Committee.

The submission site is:;conf=ucami2011

The conference proceedings will be published by a well known International Editorial. Furthermore, some of the best papers will also be eligible to be included as book chapter in a book entitled “Ubiquitous Developments in Ambient Computing and Intelligence: Human-Centered Applications” to be published by IGI Global in 2012

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