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WOSSPA 2011 : 7th International Workshop on Systems, Signal Processing and their Applications


When May 9, 2011 - May 11, 2011
Where Tipaza, Algeria
Submission Deadline Nov 1, 2010
Notification Due Mar 15, 2011
Final Version Due Mar 30, 2011
Categories    systems   signal processing

Call For Papers

The Seventh WoSPA is part of a series of workshops dedicated to signal processing theory and applications. It started in 1990 as part of the International Symposium on Signal Processing and its Applications (ISSPA90). WoSPA was first held as a separate workshop in 1993 in Brisbane, Australia. It was followed by WoSPA97, WoSPA2000, WoSPA2002, WoSPA2005 and WoSPA2008. WoSPA provides a forum for engineers and scientists engaged in research and development in different fields and applications, with the common interest of Signal Processing, to discuss common objectives and applications, and to interact with leading specialists in the field. WoSPA encourages collaboration between industry, academia and government institutions. Effective 2011 the previous full name of WoSPA will be modified to the following new full name: International Workshop on Systems, Signal Processing and their Applications, WoSSPA, to take into account new advances in the field.

This international workshop is co-organized and sponsored by the Ecole Nationale Polytechnique, and will take place on 09–11 May 2011 at the ‘’Corne d’Or’’ resort of Tipaza, overlooking the beach and the Mediterranean sea, and situated about 50 Km from Algiers.

Workshop Format: The workshop program is comprised of both oral and poster presentations. The format used in previous WoSPAs will be kept; it will include a balanced mix of keynote and invited speakers, as well as regular submissions. All papers whether oral or posters are given equal value and will be reviewed and published in the same way.

Papers are invited in, but not limited to, the following topics:

• Methods: Statistical Signal and Array Processing, Time-Frequency/Time-Scale Analysis, Nonlinear System Theory, Image and Multi-dimensional Signal Processing (SP), Independent Component Analysis, Wavelets and Multi-rate SP, Acoustic and Speech Processing, Machine Learning and Pattern Recognition, Algorithms and Implementation, Sensor Networks, Genomics SP, Software Computing, Time series and system modeling, Static and dynamic systems modeling, others.

• Applications: Biomedical Signal Processing, Audio and Video Signal Processing, Radar and Sonar, Machine Vision, Coding, Encryption and Watermarking, Biometrics, Object Recognition, Detection and Tracking, Wireless Communications, Cooperative Communications, Guidance & Control, Speech Recognition & Speaker Identification, Multimedia Signal Processing, Novel and unconventional linear system modeling techniques, Nonlinear and linear system identification, others.

All accepted papers will be included in the IEEE Xplore.

Important Deadlines:

Full Paper Submission: November 01, 2010
Notification of Acceptance: March 15, 2011
Final Accepted Paper Submission: March 30, 2011


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