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GTC 2022 : NVIDIA GTC 2022


When Mar 21, 2022 - Mar 24, 2022
Where San Jose, California and Virtual
Submission Deadline Oct 22, 2021
Categories    artificial intelligence   natural language processing   deep learning   robotics

Call For Papers

NVIDIA GTC is returning on March 21 - 24, 2022 with a ton of exciting new content and speakers. This event will bring together a broad community of developers, researchers, engineers, and innovators with the common goal of sharing their achievements while discovering new technologies and tools that drive change around the globe.

Sharing your work with the GTC community can bring a fresh perspective through attendee interaction, open doors to new opportunities, and expand your network.

If your work with any of our GPU, DPU, or software offerings is making a difference, we want to hear your story. Please submit a proposal for a talk for the next GTC in 2022.

Conference is both in person (San Jose, California) and will be available online.

CFS for talks and posters has the same due date (Oct 22, 2021).

Final notification date is January 2022. Actual day not yet specified.

Related Resources

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AMLDS 2025   IEEE--2025 International Conference on Advanced Machine Learning and Data Science
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21st AIAI 2025   21st (AIAI) Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations
IJSC 2024   International Journal on Soft Computing
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