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AVI 2022 : International Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces (AVI) 2022Conference Series : Advanced Visual Interfaces | |||||||||
Link: https://sites.google.com/di.uniroma1.it/avi2022/home?authuser=0 | |||||||||
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Call For Papers | |||||||||
(Apologies for multiple postings)
AVI 2022 Call for Papers International Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces ))) 6-10 June 2022 ((( Villa Tuscolana Park Hotel, Frascati, Rome, Italy https://sites.google.com/di.uniroma1.it/avi2022/ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPORTANT DATES Workshop and tutorial proposals: Sunday, January 16, 2022 Long and short papers: Abstract submission: Sunday, January 23, 2022 Paper submission: Sunday, January 30, 2022 Posters and Demo papers: Sunday, April 10, 2022 (all deadlines are 23:59, AoE) Submission webpage: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=avi2022 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- International Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces (AVI) - 30TH ANNIVERSARY Since 1992, AVI has been a biennial appointment for a vast international community of experts with a broad range of backgrounds. Throughout three decades, the Conference has attracted leading researchers of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) from all over the world, offering a forum to present and disseminate new technological results, paradigms, and visions for HCI and user interfaces. Because of advanced technology and new possibilities for user interaction, AVI has broadened the topics it covers, still keeping its primary focus on the conception, design, implementation, and evaluation of novel visual interfaces. While rooted in Italy, AVI is an actual international conference concerning the nationality of participants, authors of papers, and program committee members. The mixture of carefully selected research contributions paired with cordial Italian hospitality creates a unique conference atmosphere, which has made AVI an internationally recognized brand. AVI 2022 is under the patronage of Sapienza Università di Roma, Dipartimento di Informatica, Italy. We look forward to your participation in AVI2022! Paolo Bottoni, AVI 2022 General Chair Emanuele Panizzi, AVI 2022 Program Chair --------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOPICS Topics of interest include (but are not limited to) the following: Adaptive and Context-Aware Interfaces Computer Supported Cooperative Work Conversational Interfaces Coronavirus Pandemic and Human-Computer Interaction Engineering of Visual Interfaces and Interaction Full-body Interaction Human-AI Interaction Information Visualization Intelligent Interfaces Interaction Design Tools Interaction for the environment and environmental awareness Interface Metaphors Interfaces for Automotive Interfaces for Big Data Interfaces for e-Commerce and e-Branding Interfaces for e-Culture and e-Tourism Interfaces for End-User Development Interfaces for i-TV Interfaces for Recommender Systems Interfaces for Social Interaction and Cooperation Mobile Interaction Motion-based Interaction Multimodal Interfaces (Multi)Sensory Interfaces (Multi)Touch Interaction Search Interfaces Shape-Changing Devices User Interfaces for the Internet of Things Usability and Accessibility Usability and (Cyber)Security Virtual and Augmented Reality Visual Analytics LONG AND SHORT RESEARCH PAPERS We solicit high-quality original research papers in the area of advanced visual interfaces and Human-Computer Interaction in general. All submissions will be peer-reviewed by an international panel of experts. Accepted long and short research papers will be included in the Proceedings published by ACM Press and available in the ACM Digital Library. Long and Short papers are publications that address AVI 2022 topics and describe original, unpublished research. The maximum length of long papers is eight pages (with one additional page for references). The maximum length of short papers is four pages (with one additional page for references). POSTER PAPERS The AVI 2022 Poster Track allows researchers and practitioners to present their work in progress and obtain precious feedback from their peers in an informal setting. Poster submissions must be up to 2 pages (with one additional page for references), not anonymized. DEMO PAPERS Demo papers refer to something that authors can show at the Conference to demonstrate a completed or ongoing research effort. We are looking for implementations of novel and exciting concepts or systems related to the main topics of AVI. Demo submissions must be up to 2 pages (with one additional page for references), not anonymized. SUBMISSION FORMAT All the papers mentioned above, i.e., long and short research papers, posters, and demos, require online submission. Authors must format these submissions according to the ACM SIGCONF template. Please find the templates below: Latex for Overleaf: https://www.overleaf.com/latex/templates/association-for-computing-machinery-acm-sig-proceedings-template/bmvfhcdnxfty Word Template: https://www.acm.org/publications/proceedings-template Long and short papers must be anonymized, removing information (such as authorship, acknowledgments, name of an application, or software, or project) that can suggest the authors' identity. Citation to authors' previous work should not be anonymous and should be in third person in the text, e.g., "As described by [10]" and not "As described in our previous work [10]". Papers must be submitted online on EasyChair https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=avi2022 We strongly encourage sending a 250-word abstract by the abstract deadline, one week before final submission, to speed up the paper assignment to reviewers. WORKSHOP PROPOSALS We invite proposals for workshops that will facilitate the exchange of new ideas in all areas related to advanced visual interfaces and Human-Computer Interaction. We invite organizers to propose either half-day or one-day long workshops held on June 6 or June 7, 2022, at the AVI2022 venue. Workshop proposals must be submitted on this Google form: https://forms.gle/36gjYKp2xkH28MAu5 TUTORIALS We encourage the proposal of tutorials on specific topics related to AVI and general HCI approaches, methodologies, or technologies. Tutorial proposals must be submitted on this Google form: https://forms.gle/PkgzwFUwp2bzbN4z8 PROCEEDINGS Accepted full and short research papers, poster papers, demo papers, and workshop descriptions will appear in the Proceedings published by ACM Press. They will be available in the ACM Digital Library. For each accepted paper, at least one author must register to AVI 2022 by the early registration deadline and present the paper at the Conference. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- AVI2022 ORGANIZING COMMITTEE General Chair Paolo Bottoni, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy Program Chair Emanuele Panizzi, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy Long Papers Chairs Célia Martinie, University of Toulouse 3, France Fabio Pittarello, Ca' Foscari University, Venice, Italy Short Papers Chairs David Bell, Brunel University London, UK Marco Romano, University of Salerno, Italy Poster Chairs Marianna Di Gregorio, University of Salerno, Italy Antti Knutas, Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland Demo Chairs Marco Angelini, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy Silvio Barra, Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, Italy Workshop & Tutorial Chairs Giuseppe Desolda, Università degli Studi di Bari Aldo Moro, Italy Alan Serrano-Rico, Brunel University London, UK Publicity Chairs Mehdi Rizvi, Polytechnic of Milan, Italy Laura Maye, University College Cork, Ireland Online Experience Chairs Enrico Bassetti, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy Alba Bisante, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy AVI STEERING COMMITTEE Paolo Buono University of Bari, Italy Tiziana Catarci Sapienza University of Rome, Italy Maria Francesca Costabile University of Bari, Italy Maristella Matera Polytechnic of Milan, Italy Massimo Mecella Sapienza University of Rome, Italy Kent Norman University of Maryland, USA Genny Tortora University of Salerno, Italy Giuliana Vitiello University of Salerno, Italy Marco Winckler Université Côte d'Azur, France --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |