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CySSS 2022 : International Workshop on Cybersecurity and Social Sciences


When May 30, 2022 - May 30, 2022
Where Japan (Hybrid)
Submission Deadline Jan 24, 2022
Notification Due Feb 21, 2022
Final Version Due Mar 7, 2022
Categories    cybersecurity   social science   psychology

Call For Papers

1st International Workshop on Cybersecurity and Social Sciences (CySSS)

May 30, 2022; Nagasaki, Japan (Hybrid)

co-located with ACM ASIACCS 2022

Call for Papers

This workshop will explore research at the intersection of cybersecurity and social/behavioral sciences. Many cybersecurity papers need some psychology, social, behavioral, and human-centered aspect. Moreover many disciplines have research related to cybersecurity. This is an interdisciplinary workshop whose goal is to further advance the cybersecurity discipline. It is widely understood that other disciplines also contribute to this advancement. Although not restricted solely to the intersection of cybersecurity and social/behavioral sciences, it is expected that most research fall at that intersection. Other intersections, such as cybersecurity and law to name one, will also be considered.

Each paper should clearly indicate how it is connected to cybersecurity and to the social/behavioral sciences.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:


Cyber Physical System Security


Cybersecurity Behaviors

Cybersecurity Education

Digital Privacy

Internet of Things Security

Medical Security

Network Security

Online Social Capital

Personality and Use of Technology

Social Media Use and Cybersecurity

Taking Risks with Technology

Technology and Relationships

Web Privacy

Important Dates:

Paper submission deadline: January 24, 2022; 11:59 PM (AoE, UTC-12)

Acceptance notification: February 21, 2022; 11:59 PM (AoE, UTC-12)

Camera ready due: March 7, 2022; 11:59 PM (AoE, UTC-12)

Workshop date: May 30, 2022

Submission Guidelines

Each paper should be at most 6 pages in ACM format, excluding bibliography and appendices. Submissions must be anonymous (double-blind review), and authors should refer to their previous work in the third-person. Submissions must not substantially overlap with papers that have been published or that are simultaneously submitted to a journal or conference with proceedings. Papers will be peer-reviewed, and accepted papers will be published in the workshop proceedings as part of the ACM digital library. Each paper will be reviewed by at least 3 reviewers. One author of each accepted paper is required to attend the workshop and present the paper for it to be included in the proceedings.

Papers should be formatted using the ACM format. This format is required for the camera-ready version. Please follow the main ASIACCS formatting instructions (except with page limits as described above). In particular, we recommend using the sigconf template, which can be downloaded from

Submission link:

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