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SFK 2016 : Software Freedom Kosova 2016


When Oct 22, 2016 - Oct 22, 2016
Where Prishtina. Kosovo
Submission Deadline Sep 10, 2010
Notification Due Sep 15, 2010
Categories    mobile   web and game development   IOT   artificial intelligence

Call For Papers

We are inviting all free and open source software and hardware hackers to submit their talk and workshop proposals for the 7th edition of Software Freedom Kosova Conference to be held in Prishtina, Kosovo, on 21-23 October 2016.

Priority topics this year: mobile, web and game development, IoT and artificial intelligence.

Conference talks to be held on 22 October, a Saturday, should last no more than 25 minutes, including Q&A. Workshops will be held on 21 and 23 October and may last 1-2 hours. Conference talks should be in English. Workshops may be in Albanian, depending on the audience.

For consideration please fill out the form

We’ll let you know by 15 September.

Send questions to If in doubt, you are encouraged to submit. Please share this Call for Speakers with your hacker friends.


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