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BNSuE-Sponge 2019 : Biotechnologies and Nanotechnologies for Sustainable Environment and Sponge Cities (BNSuE-Sponge)


When N/A
Where N/A
Submission Deadline TBD
Categories    environmental engineering   biotechnology   nanotechnology   sponge cities

Call For Papers

The aim of this special issue is to highlight the emergence of sustainable biotechnologies and nanotechnologies for water, air, soil and sediment treatment and empathize its practical (industrial) applications. This special issue aims to attract academics, researchers, students, post-graduate students, and professional engineers dealing with, but not limited to the following broader topics related to Biotechnologies and Nanotechnologies for Sustainable Environment and Sponge Cities (BNSuE-Sponge).

I. Air, water and soil quality assessment

Air, water, and soil quality global standards, regulations and policies
Traditional quality assessment, sensing and biosensing approaches
Air, water, soil quality assessment using nanomaterials

II. Methods of water, air, soil and sediment pollution management: Application of
nanomaterials for pollutant removal

Technological approaches
- Biological processes involving microalgae, bioaugmentation, and wetlands
- Biodegradation of toxic/hazardous chemicals and restoration of contaminated sites

Nanomaterial-based approaches
- Nano-based adsorption and catalytic processes
New/hybrid techniques for cleaning up heavy metals and persistent organic pollutants
Nano-bioremediation of contaminated environments

III. Sponge cities for a sustainable environment

Countering climate change impacts through the sponge city program
Rainwater harvesting and utilization
Wastewater treatment, nutrient recovery, and sustainable water management
Innovative biotechnological solutions to support the sponge city concept
Concepts and practical applications of nature-based solutions in urban water management
Low impact development (LID) techniques
Water, energy and the sustainability (WES) nexus

IV. Ecological impact and fate of nanomaterials

Theoretical and experimental procedures for evaluating the ecological effects of different pollutants
Environmental effects of nanomaterials manufacturing
Toxic and environmental risks of nanomaterials
Behavior, fate, and bioaccumulation of nanomaterials in the environment
Tracking nanomaterials in natural environments

V. Biotechnological approaches for pollutant removal

Biochar and its applications
Algal biotechnology for pollutant removal
Microbiome mediated pollutant reduction and remediation

Submission of papers
Research articles must not have been published or submitted for publication elsewhere. All articles will be peer-reviewed by at least two anonymous reviewers and the guest editor. Articles will be accepted based on its quality, originality, novelty, and relevance to the special issue's theme. Authors wishing to contribute a review paper should contact the editors.

The submission website for this journal is located at:
Please select the Article Type “SI: BNSuE-Sponge”

We look forward to receiving your submissions and hope to compile an exciting thematic issue on BNSuE-Sponge by October 2019. 


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