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WARAT 2022 : Writing as Resistance and Transgression: Gender, Poetics and Activism in Post-World-War-Two Literature in English


When May 26, 2022 - May 27, 2022
Where online
Submission Deadline Apr 20, 2022
Notification Due May 1, 2022
Categories    gender   literature   american   race

Call For Papers

CFP: “Writing as Resistance and Transgression: Gender, Poetics and Activism in
Post-World-War-Two Literature in English”
Dates: May 26-27, 2022 (via Microsoft Teams)
Deadline for Submission: April 20, 2022
Keynote Speakers: Professor Dominika Ferens (University of Wrocław, Poland) and Professor
Evie Shockley (Rutgers University, USA)


Writing as Resistance and Transgression: Gender, Poetics and Activism in
Post-World-War-Two Literature in English
Date: May 26-27, 2022

We can build for the United Kingdom and for the European Union
a mountain of debris for us nimble-hoof goats to climb, and gloat.
But we need to move on to talk about our future relationship
with razor lips like bad ram john
Of course we recognize that we can’t leave the EU and have everything stay the
So we regurgitate ole talk, chew and re-chew, fling blame and cus you.
– Malika Booker, “Divorce proceedings” (fragment), 2017; British poet of Guyanese and
Grenadian parentage

Institute of English Studies at the University of Wrocław is pleased to announce the second edition of the international student conference “Writing as Resistance and Transgression: Gender, Poetics and Activism in Post-World-War-Two Literature in English,” which will be held online on May 26-27, 2022. As last year, the conference aims to bring together both undergraduate and postgraduate emerging scholars interested in researching forms of resistance in anglophone literature after World War Two. The focus of the conference is activist and transgressive literature that addresses social constructs in language and content, also related to different means of expression and the conceptualization of form and styles.

We welcome proposals addressing any chosen aspect of our topic. Possible approaches might
include but are not limited to:
● spaces of protest in BIPOC and AAPI literature
● sex, gender and LGBTQIAP+ narratives
● class politics and representation
● representation of disabilities
● black geographies in literature
● literary representation and empowerment of the margins
● literary responses to capitalism and biopower
● autobiographical works and self-exile
● literature and censorship
● activism within academia
● posthumanism and Afrofuturism
● hybridization and mimicry in postcolonial writing
● the idea of the third space in postcolonial representation
● anticolonial resistance and subject formation in literary translations
● linguistic transgressions and intersectionality
● reshaped habitats in contemporary writing

Please send an abstract of maximum 300 words and a brief bio in a single Word document by April 20, 2022 to We invite proposals for 20-minute
presentations in English by BA, MA and Ph.D. students. The notification of acceptance will be sent by May 1, 2022. Each panel will be followed by a discussion. Technical details will be sent to the participants before the event. Each participant will be asked to prepare a presentation in either a PDF, Prezi or PPTX format. The presentation may be sent to the organizing committee before the conference, yet it is not necessary – it will be used only should any technical difficulties on the speaker’s side arise. The conference will not be recorded, but we encourage participants to have their camera on and put their pronouns next to their name when entering the Microsoft Teams panel.

Scientific Committee:
Dr. hab. Dorota Kołodziejczyk
Dr. hab. Wojciech Drąg
Dr. Elżbieta Klimek-Dominiak
Dr. Mateusz Świetlicki

Organizing Committee:
Magdalena Dziurzyńska
Emilia Staniek
Alan Tułacz

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