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Dhaka Bangladesh 2022 : International Workshop Camp on Research and Writing Skills


When Jun 4, 2022 - Jun 6, 2022
Where Dhaka, Bangladesh
Abstract Registration Due May 7, 2022
Submission Deadline Apr 15, 2022
Notification Due Apr 20, 2022
Final Version Due May 15, 2022
Categories    research   camp   academic writing   interdisciplinary

Call For Papers

The pandemic spotlighted many intricate issues of the academic research. Many fundamentals of research and writing solicit critical revisiting given the historical and material encounters. In addition to reflections on the basics of research, such as determining an area of enquiry, framing research questions, devising context sensitive methodologies, complexity of fieldwork and data collection, tools and apparatuses of analyses, and the foremost, writing the research, there is a need of enhanced effort towards critical inquiry for overcoming the knowledge limitations and taken-for-granted assumptions. This camp-model of workshop envisages a critical return to the fundamentals in the light of the contemporary challenges and complexity. The innovative workshop not only presents an occasion of dialogic understands but also hands on experiences to enable the young researchers across the disciplinary and national boundaries. The multi-disciplinary framework of workshop shall mobilize insights and information from diverse fields of social sciences as well as the sub-disciplinary areas of enquiries. The participants shall learn about the stages of doing research, gain lucid understanding of the systematic process of critical inquiry and knowledge production.
This camp-workshop envisages a round the clock learning experience for the participants during the period of the workshop, in which formal and informal learning shall enable the participants to try out practicing the learnt lessons. The dialogue with the mentors and practices during the workshop will encourage as well as boost the confidence of researchers by making them competent to respond to the challenges of doing research in the critical times. The workshop is international and interdisciplinary in nature. It covers a wide range of subjects related to approaching, designing, conducting and presenting research within and beyond the academic scopes.
Duration: 3 days (4-6 June 2022)
Eligibility: Scholars from any disciplines with a minimum Masters level degree can join the workshop and research camp. MPhil/PhD students will be given preference. Seats are limited.
How to apply: Interested candidates should send a maximum 500 words about their research interest that may include: title, subject matter, research problem and objectives of the research. Must include your full name, institutional affiliation, and contact details.
Last date of submission: 15 April 2022
Decision: 20 April 2022
Last date of Registration: 7 May 2022
Registration Process: All selected scholars have to register via the camp page to secure the visa letter. Camp registration fee includes 4 nights’ accommodation, food, reading and workshop materials. No travel expenses will be provided to the selected participants.
Registration Fee: For Non-Bangladeshi participants 150 USD; For Bangladeshi participants 10000 BDT.
Major benefits: Build research capacity, connect with research community, opportunity for knowledge exchange, learn to take new research challenges.

International Research Center, SIMEC Institute of Technology

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