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Emerging Terminologies and Specialised T 2024 : Call for papers - Emerging Terminologies and Specialised Translation | |||||||||||||||
Link: http://studia.ubbcluj.ro/serii/philologia/pdf/CFP_1_2024_EN.pdf | |||||||||||||||
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Call For Papers | |||||||||||||||
Emerging Terminologies and Specialised Translation
Special issue 1/2024 Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Philologia studia.philologia@lett.ubbcluj.ro Guest editors Cristina Varga, Babeș-Bolyai University cristina.varga@ubbcluj.ro Maria Teresa Zanola, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore osservatorio.terminologie@unicatt.it Issue 1/2024 of the journal Studia Universitatis Babe ş-Bolyai, series Philologia will be focused on interdisciplinary approaches to emerging terminologies and the problems of specialised translation in these thematic and textual contexts. Many recent works have focused on the dynamics of terminological neology, from the work of Humbley (2018) to studies le d by Balnat and Gérard (2021, 17-23), Cabré Castellví (2021, 25- 41), Zanola (2021, 171-188) and to recent terminographic works in emerging fields (Diccionario de Covid-19 - Tremedica, Diccionari de la COVID-19 - TERMCAT, COVID-19 multilingual terminology in IATE, Glosar multilingv de termeni din dome niul Covid-19) as well as in interdisciplinary research (Guerero Ramos 2020). This issue aims to deepen the analysis of and expand debates in the new fields of terminological investigation of lesser-researched specialised domains of the contemporary world, as well as in already existing specialised domains which are enriched by emergent concepts, based on their corresponding neological needs. These new terminologies raise problems regarding translation management, being particularly relevant aspects to be analysed in order to prepare the ground for future research and development in the field. We advise that the research for the current issue be based on theoretical approaches as well as on case studies aiming at the description, analysis, and in-depth understanding of the study of emerging terminologies, term inological neology, and specialised translation. Contributions offering reflections on the following topics will be the focus of the issue: • Terminological neology and specialised translation; • The treatment of emerging terminologies; • Specialised neology and diachrony; • Terminological neology, technolects and professional/juvenile jargon; • Current issues in terminological studies and the building of glossaries; • Contrastive studies of emerging terminologies; • Specialised neology and Romance languages; • Emerging terminologies and translation; • Methods and tools for the automatic processing of terminological neology; • Computer-assisted translation tools and the management of emerging terminologies; • Machine translation and terminological neology; • Emerging terminologies and social networks. Articles may be submitted in one of the following languages: French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese and English. Indicative bibliography: Adamo, Giovanni, Della Valle, Valeria. 2017. Che cos'è un neologismo, Roma: Carocci editore. Adelstein, Andreína, Suarez de la Torre, Mercedes, Pozzi, María, Luna, Rosa, Gerding, Constanza et Freixa, Judit (dir.). 2017. Antiedad, pansexual, fracking y otras palabras recientes del español de América y España , Ediciones UNGS Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento, Argentine: Los Polvorinos. Alves, Ieda Maria, Simôes Pereira, E. (eds.). 2015. Neologia das linguas romanicas, São Paulo: Humanitas. Altmanova, Jana, Zollo, Silvia Domenica (eds.). 2019. « La néologie à l’ère de l'informatique et de la Numerique: La néologie à l’ère de l’informatique et de la révolution numérique », Neologica, no. 13, Paris: Classiques Garnier. Arndt-Lappe, Sabine, Braun, Angelika, Moulin, Claudine et Winter-Froemel, Esme (dir.). 2018. Expanding the Lexicon: Linguistic Innovation, Morphological Productivity, and the Role of Discourse-Related Factors, Berlin: De Gruyter. Balnat, Vincent, Gérard, Christophe (eds.). 2021. « Les études de néologie au XXIe siècle. Un état de la recherche européenne », Neologica, no. 15, Paris: Classiques Garnier. Cabré i Castellvı́, Maria Teresa. 2017. « Principios y parámetros en una teoría sobre los neologismos », dans García Palacios et al. (eds.), La Neologia en las lenguas romanicas, Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang Verlag, p. 27-42. Cabré, María Teresa. 2015. « La neologia: un nou camp a la cerca de la seva consolidació científica », Caplletra: revista internacional de filología, no. 59, p. 125-136, Valencia: Institut Interuniversitari de Filologia Valenciana. Cabré Castellvı́ , Domènech-Bagaria, Ona, Solivellas, Ivan. 2021. « La classification des néologismes. Révision critique et proposition d’une typologie multivariée », Neologica, no. 15, p. 43-62, Paris: Classiques Garnier. Candel, Danielle, Humbley, John. 2017. Les anglicismes, entre réalité linguistique et fait culturel, collection Petits guides de la langue française, Paris: Garnier et Le Monde. Cartier, Emmanuel, Grimaldi, Claudio, Zanola, Maria Teresa. 2019. «Innovations lexicales, néologie de la communication et terminologie spontanée autour d’“Instagram” entre mode et marketing», Ministère de la Culture – Délégation Générale à la langue française et aux langues de France (éd.), Convergences et divergences dans la pratique terminologique. De la terminologie spontanée à la terminologia aménagée, pp. 30-43, Paris: DGLFLF. Conceição, Manuel Célio, Zanola, Maria Teresa (dir.). 2020. Terminologia e mediação linguística: métodos, práticas e atividades, Faro: Universidade do Algarve Editora. De Sterck G., Garcia Palacios J., Linder D., Maroti N. , Sanchez Ibanez M., Torres de Rey J. (dir.). 2017. La Neologia en las lenguas romanicas, Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang Verlag. Drouin, Patrick, Francoeur, Aline, Humb ley, John, Picton, Aurélie (eds.). 2017. Multiple Perspectives on Terminological Variation. New York: John Benjamins. Dury, Pascaline. 2013. « Que montre l’étude de la variation d'une terminologie dans le temps. Quelques pistes de réflexion appliquées au domaine médical », Debate terminológico, IX, p. 2-10. Ghallchobhair, Ní Fidelma, Roche, Christophe. 20 17. « Term formation and conceptualization: an ontology for chess terminology », Actes de la conférence TOTh 2012 , Chambéry: Université Savoie Mont Blanc, p. 39-68. Jacquet-Pfau, Christine, Sablay rolles, Jean-François. 2016. La fabrique des mots français . Paris : Lambert-Lucas. Humbley, John. 2018. La Néologie terminologique, Limoges : Lambert-Lucas. Humbley, John, Sablayrolles, Jean-François. 2021. « Terminologie de la néologie : quelques concepts et termes problématiques », Neologica, no. 15, p. 63-96, Paris: Classiques Garnier. Luz Freitas, Márcia de Souza (2020). « Neologia e formações terminológicas nos domínios em interseção », Revista GTLex, no. 4(1), p. 201-222. Makri-Morel, Julie. 2020. « Le rôle des locuteurs en néologie lexicale », Neologica, no. 14, p. 17-23, Paris: Classiques Garnier. Ramos Guerrero, Gloria, Pérez Lagos, Manuel Fernando (eds.). 2020. Terminología, neología y traducción, Granada: Comares. Renouf, Antoinette. 2017. « Some corpus-based observations on determinologisation », Neologica, no. 11, p. 21-48, Paris: Classiques Garnier. Zanola, Maria Teresa. 2018. Che cos’è la terminologia , Roma: Carocci – 2020. trad. en arabe de N. Ibrahim, Mā huwa ‘ilm al- muṣṭalaḥāt, Milan: Dā r al-Mutawassiṭ . Zanola, Maria Teresa. 2019. « Néologie de luxe et termi nologie de nécessité. Les anglicismes néologiques de la mode et la communication numérique », Neologica, no. 13, p. 71-83, Paris: Classiques Garnier. Zanola, Maria Teresa. 2021. « Les études de néologie en Italie. Modèles, évolutions et perspectives », Neologica, no. 15, p. 170-188, Paris : Classiques Garnier. Zanola, Maria Teresa (dir). 2021. Terminologie diachronique : méthodologies et études de cas, Cahiers de Lexicologie, Paris : Classiques Garnier, no. 118, 289 pp. Timeline: I. 15 March 2022 - First call for papers II. 1 June 2022 - Second call for papers III. 15 March 2022 - 1 June 2022: Please send your proposal (the title, a 500-word abstract of the proposed article), 5 keywords and a short bibliography (5 titles) to the editors (studia.philologia@lett.ubbcluj.ro) and the guest editors of this issue (cristina.varga@ubbcluj.ro and osservatorio.terminologie@unicatt.it). IV. 1 September 2022 – 30 October 2022: Notification about the acceptance of submissions; the authors will be informed about the formatting and editing standards. V. 1 November 2022 – 31 July 2023: Submission of full papers. Articles should have 5,000-7,000 words. Quotations should be included in the text (e.g. Cabré 1992, 21) and not in the footnotes, which are to be used solely for comments and observations. VI. 1 August 2023 – 30 November 2023: Double-blind peer review. Contributors will receive the evaluation reports for the articles they have submitted. VII. 1 January 2024 – 31 March 2024 - Publication of the special-themed issue. Note: As of 2020, Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai, series Philologia, is a Category A scientific journal in the rating provided by Romania’s National Council for Scientific Research. Published both in paper format (ISSN: 1220-0484) and online (2065-9652), the journal is indexed and registered in many international databases, including ERIHPLUS, CEEOL, EBSCO Host, PROQUEST and Web of Science/Clarivate Analytics ESCI [Emerging Sources Citation Index]. http://studia.ubbcluj.ro/serii/philologia/philologia_indexari_en.html |