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KR 2023 : Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning


Conference Series : Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
When Sep 2, 2023 - Sep 8, 2023
Where Rhodos, Greece
Abstract Registration Due Mar 7, 2023
Submission Deadline Mar 14, 2023
Notification Due May 18, 2023
Categories    knowledge representation   ontology formalisms   qualitative reasoning

Call For Papers

Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR) is a well-established and lively field of research within Artificial Intelligence. KR builds on the fundamental thesis that knowledge can be represented in an explicit declarative form, suitable for processing by dedicated symbolic reasoning engines. This enables the exploitation of knowledge that would otherwise be implicit through semantically grounded inference mechanisms. Consequently, KR has contributed to the theory and practice of various areas in AI, including agents, automated planning and natural language processing, and to fields beyond AI, including data management, semantic web, verification, software engineering, robotics, computational biology, and cyber security.

The KR conference series is the leading forum for timely in-depth presentation of progress in the theory and principles underlying the representation and computational management of knowledge.

We solicit papers presenting novel results on the principles of KR that clearly contribute to the formal foundations of relevant problems or show the applicability of results to implemented or implementable systems. We also welcome papers from other areas that show clear use of, or contributions to, the principles and practice of KR. We also encourage "reports from the field" of applications, experiments, developments, and tests.

We invite two kinds of submissions:
* full papers of up to 9 pages, excluding references and acknowledgements.
* short papers of up to 4 pages, excluiding references and acknowledgements.

Related Resources

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SCIDOCA 2025   SCIDOCA 2025 : Ninth International Workshop on SCIentific DOCument Analysis
JELIA 2025   19th European Conference on Logics in Artificial Intelligence
ICCBR 2025   33rd International Conference on Case-based Reasoning
UR@FLAIRS 2025   Special Track on Uncertain Reasoning at FLAIRS-38
SOSP 2025   The 31st ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles
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