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Mindtrek 2022 : 25th International Academic Mindtrek Conference


When Nov 16, 2022 - Nov 18, 2022
Where Hybrid Online + Tampere, Finland
Submission Deadline Jul 25, 2022
Categories    human computer interaction   technology   pervasive computing   games

Call For Papers

We are very pleased to announce that the 25th International Academic Mindtrek conference will take place between the 16th and 18th of November 2022. We are hoping to host a hybrid event in Tampere, Finland with professional video streaming.

The conference will welcome proposals for full papers, workshops, demonstrations and poster presentations on a variety of topics (see tracks below) as well as a Doctoral Consortium.

The International Academic Mindtrek has been for several years an exciting meeting place where researchers, experts and thinkers present results from their latest works regarding the development of novel technology, media and digital culture for the society of tomorrow.

Mindtrek brings together people not only from various fields and domains but also from different sectors: from companies, startups, academia and various governmental institutions. This makes Mindtrek the perfect opportunity for advancing research results towards practical utilization by the industry, as well as getting out-of-the-box research ideas based on interaction with practitioners.

Academic Mindtrek 2022 welcomes all scientific contributions that present relevant and actual studies of today that may shape the way we interact with the technologies of tomorrow. Our goal is to facilitate meaningful experiences and knowledge sharing on how technology merges into society and what opportunities and hidden threats it brings to it.

The conference is grounded in a strong collaboration between local organizers from Tampere University and prestigious international partners. This collaboration focuses Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) research and development and in particular around several key areas, organized in the conference as specific Tracks.

Academic Mindtrek 2022 welcomes submissions under the following tracks:

1. Games and Gamification
Chairs: Juho Hamari and Benedikt Morschheuser (FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg)

2. Understanding and Designing the Socio-Technical
Chairs: Thomas Ollson and Robb Mitchell (University of Southern Denmark).

3. Fictional, Speculative and Critical Futures
Chairs: Oğuz 'Oz' Buruk, Ahmet Börütecene (Linköping University),Conor Linehan(University College Cork)

4. Playable Cities
Chairs: Mattia Thibault, Anton Nijholt (Twente University)and Annika Wolff (LUT University)

5. Metaverse
Chairs: Nannan Xi, FIona Nah (City University of Hong Kong), Philipp A. Rauschnabel (Universität der Bundeswehr München) and Sylvia Xueni Pan(Goldsmiths, University of London).

6. Human-nature interaction
Chairs: Ferran Altarriba , Velvet Spors, Katherine Isbister(University of California, Santa Cruz) and Pat Brundell(University of Nottingham).

7. Datafication for Good
Chairs: Zampeta Legaki, Kostas Karpouzis(Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences)

8. Dark Side of Information Technology Use
Chairs: Henri Pirkkalainen, Monideepa Tarafdar, (Lancaster University) and Markus Salo (University of Jyväskylä).

9. Robotic and conversational interactions
Chairs: Aino Ahtinen, Mohammad Obaid (Chalmers University of Technology), Roel Pieters and Nasim Beheshtian.

10. Designing for and with Children
Chairs: Sumita Sharma, Grace Eden (Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology) and Noura Howell (GeorgiaTech)

11. Technology in Education
Chairs: Muhterem Dindar and Daniel Bodemer (University of Duisburg-Essen)

12: Accessibility
Chairs: TBA

More information on each track can be found at:

In addition to these tracks, the general track, welcomes submissions that share methodological understanding and practices on how to design, develop, implement and evaluate interactive computing systems and services for human use. The submitted papers should be focusing on phenomena related to Human-Computer Interaction (HCI): human factors and requirements, usability and ergonomics, privacy, ethics and trustworthiness of technologies as well as the exploration of other factors involved (e.g., sociological and psychological factors).

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