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MobiCom 2023 : The 29th Annual International Conference On Mobile Computing And Networking


Conference Series : ACM/IEEE International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking
When Oct 1, 2023 - Oct 31, 2023
Where Madrid
Abstract Registration Due Aug 12, 2022
Submission Deadline Aug 19, 2022
Notification Due Oct 21, 2022
Final Version Due Nov 18, 2022

Call For Papers

The ACM MobiCom conference seeks papers describing significant research contributions in the field of wireless networking and mobile computing. MobiCom solicits papers that address important research challenges and build practical working systems. Successful papers should propose novel ideas to attack such problems through rigorous analysis, system design, and real-world measurement or deployment of mobile networks, systems, and applications.

MobiCom’23 will emphasize novelty and creativity while, at the same time, taking a broader and more inclusive view of wireless and mobile systems research. On one hand, the more novel the concept, the harder it can be to fully develop or evaluate all its aspects. On the other hand, the more practical and developed the system, the more simple and sometimes known techniques must be leveraged. The review process will take both cases into account as intellectual merit and novelty can be found in techniques, system designs, implementations, and applications. The review process will also favor papers that describe how the authors will provide access to well-documented datasets, modeling and/or simulation tools, and codebases to support the reproducibility of their methods as well as papers that highlight and discuss not only the significance but also the limitations of the work.

Unlike in previous years, MobiCom’23 will not have separate categories of challenge, experience, and verification papers. However, we do encourage the submission of experience papers as full papers that provide detailed technical insight into real-world deployments of novel technologies and systems. MobiCom'23 will also incorporate early notifications for papers rejected in round 1 and rebuttals as described below in more detail.

We invite submissions on a wide range of mobile computing, mobile systems, mobile applications, and wireless networking research, including but not limited to the following (listed alphabetically):
- Applications of machine learning to mobile/wireless research
- Backscatter communication and wireless power
- Edge and cloud computing
- Embedded and energy-harvesting systems
- Experimental platforms and infrastructures for wireless/mobile research
- Implanted and wearable computing
- Machine-to-machine communications
- Millimeter-wave and terahertz communications
- Mobile data science & analysis
- Mobile health
- Next generation of mobile networks (5G, 6G and beyond)
- Mobile web, video, virtual reality, and other applications
- Novel applications of wireless signals
- Mobile systems and applications
- Practical quantum applications and systems (quantum sensing, quantum programming, quantum machine learning, etc.)
- Robotic and drone-based networking
- Reconfigurable surfaces and meta materials for mobile systems
- Satellite Networks
- Security and privacy issues/solutions for mobile/wireless systems
- Sensing with radio, light, sound, and acoustics
- Systems smart spaces (e.g. smart factories, smart workspace, smart agriculture)
- Ubiquitous computing and mobile human-computer interaction
- Underwater networking and sensing
- Visible light communications
- V2X: Vehicular to Anything Networking
- Wireless localization and tracking

Complete CFP:

Related Resources

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