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CIMR 2011 : 2011 IEEE Workshop On Computational Intelligence For Mobile Robots: Air-Land-, And Sea-Based


When Apr 11, 2011 - Apr 15, 2011
Where Paris, France
Submission Deadline Nov 16, 2010
Notification Due Dec 15, 2010
Final Version Due Jan 15, 2011
Categories    computational intelligence   mobile robots   robotics

Call For Papers

2011 IEEE Workshop on Computational Intelligence for Mobile Robots: Air-Land-, and Sea-Based

Mobile robots are becoming increasingly important on land, in the sea, in the air, and in space. These include unmanned air vehicles (UAV), unmanned underwater vehicles, and unmanned ground vehicles (UGV). They are being used for military, industrial, and scientific applications. Many of them have to operate in complex and severe environments. There is a need for much greater computational intelligence (CI) onboard all these vehicles. Many of the current systems are remotely operated and have little autonomy. Mobile robots will require complex hybrid systems that use neural networks, fuzzy logic, learning algorithms, evolutionary systems, and cognitive architectures.

* Intelligent unmanned air vehicles (UAV)
* Intelligent unmanned underwater vehicles (UUV)
* Intelligent unmanned ground vehicles (UGV)
* Intelligent sensor processing
* Generalized intelligence for mobile robots
* Cognitive architectures for mobile robots
* Fuzzy logic for mobile robots
* Data fusion for mobile robots
* Mobile robot behavior
* Evolutionary systems for mobile robots
* Neural networks for mobile robots
* Hybrid intelligent systems
* Biologically inspired mobile robots
* Learning for mobile robots
* Multi-robot cooperation
* Human/Mobile Robot interactions

Symposium Chair

Lyle N. Long, Pennsylvania State University, USA
Program Committee

Troy D. Kelley, U.S. Army Applied Research Lab, USA
Nhan Nguyen, NASA Ames, USA
Adrian Stoica, NASA JPL, USA
John Valasek, Texas A&M University, USA

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