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SSIT 2023 : The Syncretic Spread of Indic Traditions


When N/A
Where N/A
Abstract Registration Due Feb 28, 2023
Submission Deadline Apr 30, 2023
Categories    social sciences   indology   south asian studies

Call For Papers

Foreigners who come to India are often astounded by the diversity of the Indic traditions. As has been repeated often, we have crores of devatas, one for each individual. Each jati within each locality have their own unique set of practices and traditions. Equally fascinating as the diversity of the Indic traditions is their breadth of spread. The Buddhist traditions, for example, are to be found across the length and breadth of Asia, from Northern Mongolia to China to Japan and all the way down to Southeast Asia.
Given that the Indic traditions did not expand through proselytization, what was the mechanism through which these traditions spread and established themselves in other regions? How did they do so without some centralized institution driving the process?

Articles will be accepted in Word Format only in English submitted to

The articles may be submitted as either quick reads (around 1000-1200 words) or as long reads (2000-4000 words). Selected articles from long reads will be published as a part of an anthology: ‘The Mechanism of the Spread of Indic Traditions’. The deadline for submission of the article is February 28 2023,

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