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vsi-XAI 2023 : Special Section on eXplainable Artificial Intelligence: Methods, Applications, Challenges in Computers & Electrical Engineering Journal, Elsevier


When N/A
Where N/A
Submission Deadline Dec 30, 2023
Categories    AI   explainability

Call For Papers

Dear Professors/Researchers,

We welcome your submission to the special section on eXplainable Artificial Intelligence: Methods, Applications, & Challenges in Computers & Electrical Engineering Journal (Elsevier), which is Q1 Ranking (Non-paid) SCI Journal with Impact Factor 4.3.

About the Special Issue: In various intelligent systems, understanding the reasons behind the decisions made is equally important as their performance or accuracy. The aim of this special section is to bridge the gap between the complexity of AI and human understanding by promoting the development and applications of explainable AI systems. It will be a platform for scientists, researchers, academicians, and practitioners to present their novel methods, exchange ideas, and discuss the possible applications and future challenges of XAI.

This special section invites original research contributions case studies, and review articles to advance the explainability of AI systems. We encourage the researchers to submit their novel work on XAI on the following topics but not limited to:

Explainability Techniques:
Interpretable models and algorithms
Rule-based and symbolic approaches
Model-agnostic and post hoc explanations
Visual explanations and interactive visualizations
Natural language generation for explanations
Evaluation and Metrics:
Quantitative and qualitative evaluation of explainability
Metrics for assessing transparency and interpretability
User-centric evaluation of explanations
Comparative studies of XAI methods
XAI in Different AI Domains:
XAI in computer vision and image recognition
XAI in natural language processing and understanding
XAI in recommender systems and decision support
XAI in robotics and autonomous systems
XAI in healthcare, finance, and other application domains
Ethical and Legal Implications:
Fairness, bias, and discrimination in XAI
Privacy and security considerations in explainable models
Legal frameworks and regulations for XAI deployment
User trust, acceptance, and adoption of XAI systems


SUBMISSION GUIDELINES: Original manuscripts adhering to the journal’s guidelines are invited for submission. Submissions must not be currently under review for publication elsewhere. The extended version of conference papers may be submitted only if they are substantially extended (more than 60%), and must be referenced. All submitted papers will be peer-reviewed using the normal standards of CAEE, and accepted based on quality, originality, novelty, and relevance to the theme of the special section. By submitting a paper to this issue, the authors agree to referee one paper (if asked) within the time frame of the special issue.

Before submission, authors should carefully read the Guide for Authors available at

Authors should submit their papers through the journal's web submission tool at by selecting “VSI-xai” under the “Issues” tab.

For more details visit:

Related Resources

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