The 17th Workshop of Physical Agents will be held at the School of Telecommunication Engineering and Information Technology of the University of Málaga in Málaga, Spain on June 16-17, 2016. The Workshop of Physical Agents (WAF) intends to be a forum for information and experiences exchange in different areas regarding the concept of agent on physical environments, especially applied to the control and coordination of autonomous systems: robots, mobile robots, industrial processes or complex systems.
As in former editions of this workshop, the organizing committee will support live or video-based demos and exhibitions. Those interested in taking part in the mobile robots exhibitions must contact the organization as soon as possible in order to organize the logistic aspects. Some suggested exhibitions are: robotic soccer players, searching & collecting robots, exploratory and map building robots, cooperating robots, guide robots, surveillance robots, etc. Additionally, a commented video may be a suitable demo if, due to any reason, live demos should not be possible.