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MCNCS 2012 : The Second International Workshop on Mobile Commerce, Cloud Computing, Network and Communication Security 2012


When Jul 4, 2012 - Jul 6, 2012
Where Palermo (Italy)
Submission Deadline Jan 31, 2012
Notification Due Feb 15, 2012
Final Version Due Mar 25, 2012
Categories    mobile commerce   cloud computing   network security   communication security

Call For Papers


Due to increase in number of mobile, ubiquitous, cloud, network and communication applications & studies,
the security issues and pivotal challenges include integrity verification, authentication, access control,
attack prevention, etc., are also increasing. Recently, security technologies are booming.
However, to achieve the whole security target for above-mentioned Computing and technologies,
it requires much more than the mere applications of current core technologies.
The main purpose of this workshop is to bring together the researchers from academia and industry as well as practitioners to share ideas,
problems and solutions relating to the multifaceted aspects of Security Technology in Mobile Commerce, Cloud Computing,
Network and Communication, particularly aiming to promote state-of-the-art research in these areas.


Authors are solicited to contribute to the workshop by submitting articles that illustrate research results, projects,
surveying works and industrial experiences that describe significant advances in the following areas of Mobile Commerce,
Cloud Computing, Network and Communication Security (MCNCS), but are not limited to:

* Network Mobility Security
* Mobile Agent Security
* Cloud Security
* RFID Security
* Handover Security
* VoIP Security
* Cell Phone, PDA and Potable Device Security
* Mobile, Ad Hoc and Sensor Network Security
* 3G ~ 4G Communication Security
* Motion Detection and Tracing
* Access Control, Authentication and Authorization for MCNCS
* Cryptography, Cryptanalysis and Digital Signatures for MCNCS
* Key Management and Recovery for MCNCS
* Trust Negotiation, Establishment and Management for MCNCS
* Network Management for MCNCS
* Performance Evaluation for MCNCS
* Privacy, Data Integrity and Data Protection for MCNCS
* Computer Forensics for MCNCS
* Security Threats and Countermeasures for MCNCS
* Cross-layer Design for MCNCS

*Important Dates:

Submission Deadline: December 1, 2011
Author Notification: February 15, 2012
Author Registration: March 15, 2012
Final Manuscript: March 25, 2012
Conference Dates: July 4-6, 2012

*Submission Giudelines

Submit a full paper, including figures and references, using 10 font size, and numbering each page,
not more than eight pages, in which six pages are the basic limit and the two additonal pages require additional fee.

Format of proceedings manuscripts is two columns, and single-spaced. You can find instructions for authors how to format
the manuscript at the following web page:

Accepted papers will be given guidelines in preparing and submitting the final manuscript(s) together with the notification of acceptance.

Proceedings of the IMIS-2012/MCNCS-2012 will be published by Conference Publishing Service (CPS).

The submission page is available at a later time, or you can also submit papers to Fang-Yie Leu directly through e-mail:

*Workshop Organizers/Co-Chairs

Professor Chu-Hsing Lin
Department of Computer Science
School of Engineering
Tunghai University
No. 181, Section 3, TaiChung Port Road, TaiChung City, Taiwan

Professor Fang-Yie Leu
Department of Computer Science
School of Engineering
Tunghai University
No. 181, Section 3, TaiChung Port Road, TaiChung City, Taiwan

Dr. Aniello Castiglione
Dipartimento di Informatica
University of Salerno, Italy
Via Ponte don Melillo ; I-84084 Fisciano (Salerno), Italy

*Program Committee members

Alessandra Sala: University of California Santa Barbara, USA
Antonio Colella: Italian Army, Italy
Chin-Cheng Lien: Soochow University, Taiwan
Chin-Ling Chen: Chaoyang University of Technology, Taiwan
Chiu-Ching Tuan: National Taipei University of Technology, Taiwan
Chung-Huang Yang: National Kaohsiung Normal University, Taiwan
Claudio Soriente: Universitat Politecnica de Madrid, Spain
Francesco Palmieri: Second University of Naples, Italy
Fuw-Yi Yang: Chaoyang University of Technology, Taiwan
I-Long Lin: Central Police University, Taiwan
Ilsun You: Korean Bible University, Korea
Jason Ernst: University of Guelph, Canada
Jinn-Ke Jan: National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan
Lein Harn: University of Missouri Kansas City, USA
Sergio Ricciardi, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Spain
Sen-Tang Lai: Shih Chien University, Taiwan
Shyhtsun Felix Wu: University of California, Davis, USA
Ugo Fiore: University of Naples, Italy

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