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PATMOS 2019 : 29th International Symposium on Power and Timing Modeling, Optimization and Simulation


Conference Series : Power and Timing Modeling, Optimization and Simulation
When Jul 1, 2019 - Jul 3, 2019
Where Rhodes Island, Greece
Abstract Registration Due Mar 1, 2019
Submission Deadline Mar 8, 2019
Notification Due Apr 15, 2019
Final Version Due May 6, 2019
Categories    low power design   compilers, operating systems   fpgas and gpu   design for aging

Call For Papers

For almost 30 years, PATMOS has been one of the first conferences with a focus on low power. Starting in 2018, PATMOS will be collocated with two other conferences in closely related topics. Together, the well-established IOLTS and PATMOS as well as the upcoming IVSW, are forming the FEDfRo, the federative event on Design for Robustness. Registering to PATMOS will also allow visiting events from the other conference tracks. Thus, PATMOS will develop into a larger, better, full grown three days event with more attractive shared keynotes and a larger common social programme, connecting a larger community. PATMOS will not change at all, except for the conference time scheme. Download pdf version Call for Papers
Topics of Interest Papers are solicited on, but not limited to, the following topics:

Timing and Performance
-Methodologies and tools for the analysis, design and verification of timing and performance properties of integrated circuits and systems at all levels of abstraction
-Design for yield, design for manufacturability
-Simulation tools
-Designs and architectures for asynchronous circuits and systems
-Coupling effects: analysis, modelling, simulation & experimentation

Low Power and Thermal-aware Design
-Power/Thermal-aware architectures
-Power and performance optimization of multi-core systems
-Design techniques for thermal-aware and low power circuits and systems
-Methods for power and thermal estimation and optimization
-Power/thermal-aware synthesis and floorplanning
-Low Power Systems: wireless sensor networks, mobile computing, IoT

Compilers, operating systems and runtime systems
-Power efficiency through parallelizing compilers or parallel programming
-Methods for programming novel multi-core architectures
-Real-time system compilers, operating systems and run-time systems

FPGAs and GPU-based accelerators
-Novel architectures for FPGAs and GPU-based accelarators
-High-Level abstractions and CAD tools
-Neuro-Inspired accelerators
-Customized processor instruction sets
-Optimization techniques for dynamically reconfigurable systems
-Case studies and challenges

High Performance Computing (HPC) and Data Centers
-Supercomputing: compilers, operating systems, run time systems
-Hardware-software interaction for low power and high-performance
-Modeling and analysis of energy costs for HPC systems and infrastructures
-Power analysis for data centers, supercomputers, communication networks
-Power-efficient I/O interfaces and NoC design
-Case studies: test cases, or design study challenges on data stations or supercomputers

Application-specific power efficiency by algorithmic and analytic efforts
-Application of Computational Intelligence to implement high-performance systems (Neural Networks, Support Vector Machines, Self-Organizing Maps, Neuromorphic systems)
-Banking, financial modelling and financial database acceleration
-Social networks, games, entertainment, ambient intelligence, ubiquitous and wearable computing
-Bioinformatics, bio-inspired, medical, and genetics systems and life sciences
-Physics and astronomy, weather prediction, oil and gas exploration.
-Security systems, cryptography, object recognition and tracking, global navigation satellite systems
-Audio/video, imaging, smart cameras, PDAs, smart image sensors, Reconfigurable Video Coding (RVC), etc. Aerospace, avionics, automotive and railway, and many other application areas

Design for aging
-Aging effects and their impact on circuits
-Aging-aware models
-Aging-aware timing and power analysis
-Circuit aging prediction
-Aging-aware design

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