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AITW 2023 : Artificial Intelligence and Transformations of Work


When Nov 20, 2023 - Nov 22, 2023
Where Grenoble
Submission Deadline Jul 7, 2023
Categories    artificial intelligence   work   philosophy   STS

Call For Papers

The Ethics & AI Chair (Grenoble Institute of Philosophy, MIAI Institute, Université Grenoble-Alpes) is organizing an international conference on Artificial Intelligence and the Transformations of Work. This event will take place from November 20 to 22, 2023 at the Maison de la Création et de l'Innovation, in Grenoble. On this occasion, we are launching a call for papers. You will find below the terms and conditions.

AI’s application across different domains leads us to ask: what must be done with AI at work? Its efficiency, reliability, and speed have led to diverging perspectives. Techno-pessimism claims that humans will be replaced, leading to a loss of employment and increasing inequality, while a techno-optimistic position sees the cooperation of AI and humans as emancipative, allowing humans to focus on meaningful, creative tasks. Regardless of the perspective, AI has implications for the value of work and conditions of work in the future. Through this conference, we aim to provide a social philosophy of AI and work, grounded in an ethical framework. Focusing on three axes of research, we’ll consider the history of the technological replacement debate, the conditions of work with AI, and the transformations of fairness and justice to highlight AI’s specificities. We aim to address developing questions within an emerging literature on AI’s impact on work.

Aims and call for papers
With this conference, we want to shed light on issues related to the transformation of human work, providing a contribution to these issues from an ethical perspective. To do this, it is necessary to revisit the place of work for the human condition and analyze the redefinitions underway, asking: is AI redefining work and its value?
We accept proposals in French or English. The following disciplines are invited to participate in the reflection: philosophy, sociology, social history, economics, information and communication sciences, social psychology, ergonomics, computer science, robotics. Please send a 500 word abstract with a title, bibliographical references and a session preference to by July 7th, 2023. Contributions not specifically related to these themes are also welcome.
You will find the complete argument of the colloquium on the chair's website:

The conference will be structured around four axes:
1. Replacement: myth or reality
2. Case Studies: analyzing the role of current systems
3. Fairness and justice at work: what values for an ethics of work?
4. Conditions of Work

Scientific coordinators of the conference
Dakota Root, Institut de Philosophie de Grenoble (UGA) & chaire éthique&IA MIAI
Chloé Bonifas, Institut de Philosophie de Grenoble (UGA) & chaire éthique&IA MIAI
Louis Devillaine, PACTE (CNRS & UGA) & chaire éthique&IA MIAI
Director of the chaire éthique&AI
Thierry Ménissier, Institut de Philosophie de Grenoble (UGA)

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