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INSPIRE 2023 : The First International Workshop on Intelligent Systems and Paradigms for Next Generation Computing Evolution


When Dec 4, 2023 - Dec 7, 2023
Where Taormina (Messina), Italy
Submission Deadline Oct 17, 2023
Notification Due Oct 27, 2023
Final Version Due Oct 31, 2023
Categories    cloud computing   edge computing   fog computing   IOT

Call For Papers


The First International Workshop on Intelligent Systems and Paradigms for Next Generation Computing Evolution (INSPIRE)
In conjunction with the 16th IEEE/ACM Utility and Cloud Computing Conference (UCC)
Taormina (Messina), Italy
INSPIRE Workshop Date: December 04, 2023


Paper submission due: October 17, 2023 (extended deadline, firm)
Notification of acceptance: October 27, 2023
Final camera-ready papers due: October 31, 2023
Early full, non-student author registration: Please check UCC website
Workshop scheduled date: December 4, 2023

INtelligent Systems and ParadIgms for Next GeneRation Computing Evolution (INSPIRE) is an international workshop focused at bringing computing system research developments. Its objective is on performance optimization of computing systems and enhancing the performance of computing using Artificial Intelligence (AI) at the Edge, as well as designing new computing services for optimised application deployment using Edge AI. Several challenges exist in this field, including not only the development and execution of new systems and algorithms, but also the optimisation of isolated or integrated computing systems for sustainable cost-effective and eco-friendly practises.

This workshop aims to unite a number scholars from academia, business, and governmental organisations with an emphasis on analysing the new challenges of modern computing systems and building innovative solutions with the aid of modern technologies like AI, Serverless, and Quantum Computing. The workshop will provide a venue for discussing methods design, real testbeds, experimental evaluation, prototypes, and empirical characterisation of AI, Serverless, and Quantum Computing in modern computing systems. The workshop will promote debates on outstanding challenges in the area, such as cost-effective computing system solutions, energy-efficient and resilient system architectures, standards, and applications for an eco-friendly environment. The INSPIRE workshop accepts poster ideas for presentations of new work or work-in-progress on testbeds, evaluation methods and outcomes, and creative prototypes for critical infrastructure. Papers outlining fresh findings, problems with the literature, real-world applications, case studies, and commercial applications are encouraged. In order to advance the conversation, it is also encouraged that current research, opinion, visionary, and student papers be submitted. Overall topics of interest include but are not limited to:

Cloud and fog/edge computing environments
IoT and Edge computing
Cloud/Edge surveys and taxonomies
Edge AI
Performance modeling & evaluation
QoS/QoE management in the cloud/edge
Green cloud computing
Mobile clouds and mobile edge computing
Autonomic cloud computing
Cloud Continuum – IoT/Smart Cities integration
Distributed Storage and I/O Systems:
Storage in the Edge
Sustainable and Green Computing
Thermal-aware Resource Management
Service oriented architectures
Utility computing models
Software-Defined Network-enabled Systems.
Virtualized hardware (GPUs, FPGAs etc.)
Programming models
Virtualization, containers, and middleware technologies.
Decentralized computing systems.
Resource Management and Scheduling
Performance Modelling and Evaluation
Energy-efficient software/applications
Energy consumption models
Performance evaluation metrics
Large Scale Machine Learning,
AI at the Edge and in the Cloud
Federated learning
AI/ML for workload prediction, application scheduling
Serverless Computing
Future Internet (5G/6G)
Cloud Edge Continuum
Micro Services
Cyber-Physical Systems, e-Health,
IoT-enabled Smart Systems and Applications.
Digital Twins and Industry 4.0.
Autonomous systems
Applications for Cloud-to-Things continuum
Cyber-Security and Privacy
Resilient Distributed Systems
Advance Topics (Neuromorphic computing; Quantum computing, biologically-inspired computing)


The INSPIRE workshop invites authors to submit original and unpublished work. Papers should not exceed 6 pages single-spaced double-column, using standard ACM format for conference proceedings. Additional pages might be purchased upon the approval of the proceedings chair.
Paper submission is electronic only. Authors should use the EasyChair system:
Submission requires the willingness of at least one of the authors to register for an early full and non-student fee and present the paper.
All selected papers for this workshop are peer-reviewed and proceedings will be published by ACM and made available online via the ACM Digital Library.
All manuscripts undergo a double-blind peer-review process and will be reviewed and judged on correctness, originality, technical strength, rigour in analysis, quality of results, quality of presentation, and interest and relevance to the workshop attendees. Your submission is subject to a determination that you are not under any sanctions by ACM. Accepted papers will later be converted into single-column format through the ACM TAPS process and therefore need to use the new templates that are single-column by default. Switch them to double-column for authoring your paper. This is possible in both the Word and the LaTeX templates.


Sukhpal Singh Gill, Queen Mary University of London, UK. Email :
Minxian Xu, Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shenzhen, China. Email :
Omer Rana, Cardiff University, UK. Email:
Giancarlo Fortino, University of Calabria, Italy, Email:


Honorary Chairs

Rajkumar Buyya, University of Melbourne, Australia
Schahram Dustdar, TU Wien, Austria



Selected papers will be invited to submit extended versions for a special issue of the Elsevier Internet of Things (IoT) Journal (Q1 with Impact Factor 5.9)

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