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TOOLS Workshops 2011 : TOOLS Federated Conferences Call for Workshops 2011


When Jun 27, 2011 - Jul 1, 2011
Where Zurich, Switzerland
Submission Deadline TBD
Categories    modelling   object technology   software engineering   transformations

Call For Papers


The TOOLS 2011 Organizing Committee is inviting proposals for
workshops to be held in Zurich, Switzerland, between June 27 and July 1,
2011, jointly with the set of TOOLS colocated conferences :

* TOOLS Europe 2011: 49th International Conference on Objects, Models,
Components, Patterns
* ICMT 2011: 4th International Conference on Model Transformation
* SC 2011: 10th International Conference on Software Composition
* TAP 2011: 5th International Conference on Tests And Proofs

Workshops provide organizers and participants with an opportunity to
exchange opinions, advance ideas, and discuss preliminary results on
current topics, in a small and interactive atmosphere.

Workshops can choose to concentrate on in-depth research topics
related to one or more of the colocated conferences, be devoted to discuss
best practices, applications and industrial issues, or a mixture of
both. Workshops may be either one or two days long.


Workshop proposals should be sent to the Workshop Chair Richard Paige
(paige[at] no later than December 15, 2010, and should include:

-- the workshop title and acronym,
-- the names and brief (200 word) biography for each organizer,
-- the proposed workshop duration (one or two days),
-- a summary of the workshop topics, goals and contents (approximately
500 words),
-- a brief description of the audience and community to which the
workshop is targeted,
-- plans for publication (we *strongly* encourage a permanent and
easily citeable form of publication, such as ACM Digital Library, CEUR,
etc), and
-- a tentative Call for Papers.

Proposals may be processed before 15 December 2010, if at all possible.
If you have particular requirements for a quick decision (e.g., due to
advertising needs), please indicate this to the workshop chair.

We assume that submission of a workshop proposal indicates that the
workshop organizers are available to run the workshop, if accepted.

All workshop proposals will be carefully reviewed, and acceptance will
be based on:

-- the relevance of the workshop topics and contents with regard to
the topics of the conferences;
-- the timeliness and expected interest in the topic (i.e., the
workshop might be of interest to a sufficiently large community);
-- the workshop's potential to advance the state of research and/or
practice in the topics of the workshop;
-- the organizers' ability to lead a successful workshop.

Details of workshops, local organization details, and schedules will eventually
be available on the Federated Conference website,

Should you have any questions about the Workshops, particularly if you would
like to propose a workshop with a novel structure, please feel
free to contact the Workshop Chair, Richard Paige (paige[at]


* Workshop proposals due no later than: 15 December 2010
* Workshop acceptance notification no later than: 22 December 2010
* Workshops dates: 27 June--1 July 2011

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