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GfKL 2010 : 34th Annual Conference of the German Classification Society


When Jul 21, 2010 - Jul 23, 2010
Where Karlsruhe, Germany
Submission Deadline Feb 28, 2010
Notification Due Apr 15, 2010
Final Version Due Aug 15, 2010
Categories    classification

Call For Papers

Conference Topics

As example for the range of relevant topics to be
addressed at the conference see the following list of
intended sections. Contributed papers from scholars and
practitioners are invited on any of these topics as well as
on related ones. Suggestions for (the organization of)
additional topics are welcome.

Theory and Methods

* Supervised Classification, Discrimination, Pattern Recognition, Machine Learning
* Cluster Analysis and Similarity Structures
* Evaluation of Clustering Algorithms
* Frequent Pattern Mining
* Neural Networks and Fuzzy Systems
* Relational Logical Learning
* Data Streams and Online Algorithms
* Java Data Mining
* Mixture Analysis in Clustering
* Analysis of Time Series, Longitudinal and Panel Data
* Multivariate Statistical Methods
* Graph and Social Network Analysis
* Operations Research and Data Analysis

* Marketing and Management Science
* Database Marketing and CRM
* Banking and Finance
* Production, Controlling, and OR
* Data Analysis and Revenue Management
* Business Intelligence and Personalization
* Image and Signal Analysis
* Text Mining, Web Mining, and Ontology Learning
* Biostatistics and Bioinformatics
* Genome and DNA Analysis
* Medical and Health Sciences
* Archaeology and Geography
* Engineering and Environment
* Linguistics and Statistical Musicology
* Psychology
* Data Analysis and Higher Education
* Administrative Record Census
* Subject Indexing and Library Science

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