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HPG 2011 : High Performance Graphics | |||||||||||
Link: http://highperformancegraphics.org/ | |||||||||||
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Call For Papers | |||||||||||
We are pleased to announce High-Performance Graphics 2011. High Performance Graphics is the leading international forum for performance-oriented graphics systems research including innovative algorithms, efficient implementations, and hardware architecture. The conference brings together researchers, engineers, and architects to discuss the complex interactions of massively parallel hardware, novel programming models, efficient graphics algorithms, and innovative applications. High Performance Graphics was founded in 2009 to synthesize and expand on two important and well-respected conferences in computer graphics: Graphics Hardware: an annual conference focusing on graphics hardware, architecture, and systems since 1986; and Interactive Ray Tracing: an innovative symposium begun in 2006 focusing on the emerging field of interactive ray tracing and global illumination techniques. By combining and expanding these two communities, we bring to authors and attendees the best of both fields and a conference covering a broad range of interactive 3D graphics systems and algorithm research.
Papers Track We invite original and innovative performance-oriented contributions from all areas of graphics, including hardware architectures, rendering, physics, animation, AI, simulation, and data structures, with topics including (but not limited to): * Interactive rendering pipelines (hardware or software) o Visibility algorithms (ray tracing, rasterization, transparency, anti-aliasing, …) o Shading architectures o Spatial acceleration data structures o Surface representations and tessellation algorithms o Reconfigurable rendering pipelines o Texturing and compression/decompression algorithms * Interactive rendering algorithms (hardware or software) o Illumination algorithms (shadows, global illumination, …) o Adaptive rendering algorithms that robustly respond to dynamic scenes and reduce content creation costs o Image sampling strategies and filtering techniques * Graphics hardware and systems o Novel fixed-function hardware design o Graphics hardware simulation, optimization, and performance measurement o Novel display technologies * Languages and compilation o Programming models and APIs for graphics o Shading language design and implementation o Run-time code generation for graphics o Compiling for massively parallel graphics architectures * Parallel computing for graphics o Scalable algorithms for parallel rendering and large data visualization o Physics and animation o Computer vision o GPU computing * Mobile graphics (new for 2011) o Hardware design for mobile, embedded, integrated, and low-power devices o Algorithms, rendering engines, and applications for mobile graphics o Innovative visual computing applications for mobile devices |